This chamber is an unexpected sight—an elaborate underground garden lit by softly glowing crystals in the ceiling twenty feet above. Cracked granite benches surround a cobblestone fountain filled with crystal-clear water. To the south, a gently flowing creek runs across a pebbly stream bed that passes through a rock garden and into an iron grill drain along a passageway to the south. To the north, a lone almond tree stands in alcove, while to the west, a double arch leads to a small circular room. Four sandstone sculptures chiseled into the forms of huge angry faces stand throughout the room.
—Excerpt from Pathfinder Adventure Path #20: "House of the Beast"
This officially licensed Pathfinder Terrain set is ideal for ornamental garden locations of all shapes and sizes, from backyard, to royal grounds, to subterranean cavern of wonders! The Garden is completely TerrainlinX compatible and can be freely mixed and matched with all other TerrainlinX terrain settings. Build your garden complex to any required configuration or height, remove or add floors and walls on-the-fly and store everything flat when finished!
The Garden includes all of the following:
3 Granite benches
Cobblestone fountains
Wooden bridge
Almond tree
3 Stone Speaker sandstone heads
1”, 1.5” and 3” wide stair sections
Grass, Gravel, Raised garden bed transitions & Water feature tiles in zero-grid, 1”-grid & 1.5”-grid formats
Grass: 1- 6”X3”, 2- 3”X3” & 2- 6”X6” (in all grid & non-grid formats)
Gravel: 1- 6”X3”, 2- 3”X3” & 2- 6”X6” (in all grid & non-grid formats)
Raised bed transitions: 3- 6”X3”, 4- 3”X3” & 1- 6”X6” (in all grid & non-grid formats)
Water features: 5- 6”X6” (in all grid & non-grid formats)
15- 3” arch walls (with and without openings)
4- 3” straight walls
2- 6” straight walls
6- 6” arched walls (includes waterfall)
9- Short angle arched walls
4- Long angle arched walls
6- 3” walls with upper cave trim (includes 2 arch openings)
8- 6” walls with upper cave trim
4- Long angle walls with upper cave trim
3- Short angle walls with upper cave trim
Regular posts
Angular posts
2-story posts low (angular posts included)
2-story posts high (angular posts included)
FULL GSD SUPPORT! All files automated cutter friendly for those with CraftRobo or Silhouette SD craft cutters.
WorldWorksGames PDF terrain sets offer gamers visually stunning and cost-effective gaming terrain solutions. Download the terrain, print to cardstock, build as many items as you need and PLAY! Our models are easy to build for any skill level, and come with richly illustrated instructions. Your environment can be as big or as small as your game requires, for just pennies a page! All of that backed by an unparalleled attention to detail and presentation unmatched in the industry. Our commitment is to making your game experience come to life in new and exciting ways without breaking the bank!
Product Availability
Fulfilled immediately.
Are there errors or omissions in this product information? Got corrections? Let us know at
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Wait.... What makes this Pathfinder?
I see nothing about this product that makes it Pathfinder other then the name.
It is nice to have a generic Garden terrain, it looks cool, but if you are going to call it Pathfinder Terrain use something from Pathfinder!
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
It's an area from Pathfinder Adventure Path #20.
Thanks for pointing that out! I missed it the first time.
Just looking for some notes on the difficulty/work required to get this to look that good. Im thinking of delving into the cardstock terrain fun.
I built the Undercrypt when it first came out. They are pretty easy to build, just time-consuming. The Undercrypt took me 4 seasons of Buffy to finish, but it was nothing more complicated than cut here glue there, follow the instructions.