101 5th Level Spells (PFRPG) PDF

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Never Cast the Same Spell Twice!

101 5th Level Spells gives you—yes, you guessed it—101 5th level spells; spells that will help you realize the vision you've had for your spellcaster.

From spells that are cast as move, swift and immediate actions to a spell that lets you curse your opponent and give him a 50% to-hit chance, or roll over your opponents with a life-draining sphere, 101 5th Level Spells brings a host of new special abilities to your character's spellbook.

Wholly compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, 101 5th Level Spells adds new agonizing choices to the creation of your character's spell list and their advancement without breaking the game.

Author: Steven D. Russell
Cover Image: Joe Calkins
Pages: 27 (32)

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Nice new spells for you


This pdf is 32 pages long, 1page front cover, 1page editorial, 1 page SRD and 2 pages advertisements, leaving 27 pages for 101 spells, so let's dive in!

After 3 pages of spell-lists we get the 101 spells. 5th level has traditionally been a level that made magic complex - abjurations, layered defenses and the first spells one can consider higher arcana - iconic. Instead of milling through all the spells, I'm going to tell you about the ones that grabbed my attention, positive or negative. Let's go! On the "cool-idea-side" we get "fell tree", which drops a tree on your opponents. Hilarious and kinda cool! "Flatten" makes you 2d, essentially opening a lot of creative potential for players to shine and use the spell in unconventional ways, especially in infiltrations.

"Pain Circuit" is a mechanically interesting spell - It opens up a conduct between you and your foe, making the foe experience your ailments and damages. My other favorite spell, though, has to be "Voice of Memories" - you can replace memories of the targets, change them etc. Story-writing gold for the GM and cool tactics for PCs, especially if they've screwed a given adventure up.

I've also noticed two spells I didn't care for: "Chastise" penalizes the enemy and deals non-lethal damage. If you've read some of my reviews, you'll notice that I'd usually love spells like that, offering to catch enemies alive. However, this spell actually gets the [evil]-descriptor. I get the "dealing unnecessary pain is evil"-argumentation, but this spell does not feel inherently evil, but could be arguably used for a plethora of "good" (e.g. NONLETHAL) ways. That's an easily corrected nitpick of mine, though. Of all the spells in the book, I felt that one was severely overpowered: "Spell Grounding". When within range of any rays and chain-spells (such as chain lightning), it is automatically drawn to you and is negated. I think the spell should only work for spells of level 5 or lower or at least offer an opposed caster-level check. That's about it with negatives, though. The only other negative thing I could say, is that there is a typo in the "Phantasmal Nymph"-spell, mentioning lich instead of nymph, an oversight from copying from the other cool phantasmal spell, "Phantasmal Lich".

Editing is good, I only noticed one typo. Formatting and layout adhere to the b/w two-column standard by RiP. The file is extensively bookmarked and offers some very cool and imaginative spells for you. The b/w-artworks are also fine. Most of the spells rock, but I wasn't absolutely blown out of the water as e.g. with the 0-level spells. Due to my minor gripes with two of the spells and the aforementioned difference in coolness (at least from my point of view), I'll settle for a final verdict of 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5 for the purpose of this platform.

101 5th level spells


My review as often is the case wouldn't fit. See forum post for full review.

I wanted to thank Vic, for getting this up.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I should have my review up by the end of the week.

Excellent I always look forward to them.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My review, posted here. At Enworld and Drivethru.

101 5th level spells by Rite Publishing

This product is 32 pages long. It starts with a cover and ToC. (2 pages)

Next it gets to the spell lists. At this point the number of classes shrink, since Paladins and Rangers don't have 5th level spells. Below is a list of classes and number of spells they get, Wiz/Sorc also broken up by school. (3 pages)
Bards – 23
Cleric – 29
Druid – 19
Wiz/Sorc -
Abjuration – 6
Conjuration – 6
Divination - 7
Enchantment - 8
Evocation – 16
Illusion - 6
Necromancy - 12
Transmutation - 11
Universal – 2

The next section is of the spells. Below is a few spells that stood out to me.(24 pages)
Befoul Spring – makes a small water source polluted.
Blood Sap – causes dmg and slows them, but also gives them natural armor and protects vs crits and SA.
Bone Chill – Creates a cloud of negative cold energy, those inside take cold dmg and are staggered unless save is made. I would have liked if this also had a cloud effect on vision, it doesn't say anything about effecting vision so I assume it doesn't, but I think it should.
Brimstone Storm – causes a storm of falling brimstone, cause fire/bludgeoning dmg, slowing land movement and obscuring sight.
Carpet of Fire – Makes a area where the ground is on fire.
Circle of Moonlight – Makes a circle of protection vs undead and were creatures.
Cloak of Gloom – Either cast on self or as a wall. Causes a miss chance and can cause shaken effect.
Cure Far Wounds – heals at a range like any healing spell 3rd or lower.
Environmental Prison – You trap a target in a cocoon made from natural environment, making them hidden. Once per day you can communicate with them. While in the cocoon they don't age.
Eternal Charm – Permanent charm, that makes them friendly to you.
Glimpse of the Reaper – Target see's their own dark fate, become cowered.
Kiss of the Nereid – Create a watery neried that kisses the target and then plunges down into their lungs to begin to drown them. I love this spell.
Sacrifice Mortal – Gain hp and AC from killing a sentient being. Cool spell but I thought the duration should have been longer.
Vampiric Drain – Does dmg to target and gives the caster temp hp.
Weight of Ages – Causes the target to age suddenly.

There was a few spells I didn't care for.
Fell Tree – You make a tree fall over very fast, causing dmg and can pin targets under it.(This spell just seems so limited in use, that I just can't see anyone taking it.)

It finishes with a OGL and 2 pages of ads (3 pages)

Closing thoughts. First I did say there was a few spells I didn't care for but only listed one. The reason for that is simple. The rest of the spells I didn't care for was fine, but where spells I just see most people rarely if ever taking. Just like some spells in the core book. There was nothing wrong with them just they was meh. Also there was more spells I liked, in fact I liked the majority of them. So I only listed the ones I really liked.

The art work was mostly very good, though there was a couple that was in odd places. Like the artwork for Glimpse the Reaper is near the beginning no where near the spell. Not a big deal but I thought odd, yes the art near it is for another spell near it. I also noticed a couple of small errors mostly minor things like minor spelling or in one case obviously a C&P error. On two spells Phantasmal Lich and Nymph have the same disbelieve effects and the Nymph one listed Lich. I contact Rite Publishing about it and they said they will be fixing it and reup loading the file in the near future.

This might be their best one since their 1st level book of the series. I can honestly say I was impressed I liked so many of these spells at 5th level. I expected the series to slowly but steadily get worse but that’s not the case. Really other than a few spells that are meh and a few minor errors I couldn't find any real faults in this book, with only one spell I had real issues with. So in that case I am going to give this one a 5 star. One of the best in the series so far.

Great review, D_M! I'm looking forward to reading this installment one of these days!


Thanks DM for taking the time to do another review, 5/5 snoopy happy dance of joy. I am glad you really enjoyed this one. I hope I can keep it up with 101 6th level spells.

On fell tree it summons the tree that you drop on folks so you can use it in many different place.

kiss of the nereid is one of my favorites too.

Oh and Glimpse the Reaper image; look to the left of the image, you will see that its right there in the spell list :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rite Publishing wrote:

Thanks DM for taking the time to do another review, 5/5 snoopy happy dance of joy. I am glad you really enjoyed this one. I hope I can keep it up with 101 6th level spells.

On fell tree it summons the tree that you drop on folks so you can use it in many different place.

kiss of the nereid is one of my favorites too.

Oh and Glimpse the Reaper image; look to the left of the image, you will see that its right there in the spell list :)

Ah ok I guess it just wasn't clear to me then about the summon tree part of the spell. Still seemed a odd spell still. I mean you summon a tree to drop on them.

Yeah Kiss of the Nereid to me is a perfect example of what I wish more spells where like. It is cool to imagine, yet effective with out just being a ... I drop a tree on them. ;)

As for the art. Just normally it is by where the spell is described like the rest was. Which is why it seemed odd. Normally art by the tables are more generic stuff.

Anyways looking forward to part 6.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

OK, is there going to be a compilation of these after 101 9th Level Spells or not? I've got the 3rd level spells and I want to get them all, eventually, I just don't know whether I should wait or not. Or will the compilation be print only and the PDFs will be the single releases?

As far as I know, you get the option for a print book, if you pay for the subscription at the Rite Publishing homepage as long as you stay a part for at least 6 months or something like that. You might be able to get the print version if you pay for the difference, but i guess you'll have to talk to Steve about that.


The compilation will be print only. And we are doing a compilation for 1st-6th level spells.

After 6th level spells we are doing 101 cursed magical items (Jonathan McAnulty has already completed it), then I will be looking at 101 Cantrips, plus 7th-9th level spells.

We do get the curses? AWESOME NEWS!!! I've been waiting for this ever since Kavit M. Tor's Emporium! I will definitely get this one!


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Rite Publishing wrote:

The compilation will be print only. And we are doing a compilation for 1st-6th level spells.

After 6th level spells we are doing 101 cursed magical items (Jonathan McAnulty has already completed it), then I will be looking at 101 Cantrips, plus 7th-9th level spells.

OK, then I'll start picking up the individual files. And I reaaaaaally want the 7th - 9th level one/ones.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

101 cursed items like those in Kavit M. Tor's Emporium of Collectible Curiosities? I really hope so.... of course i am hoping for a 101 curses too. :)

Scarab Sages

Dark_Mistress wrote:
101 cursed items like those in Kavit M. Tor's Emporium of Collectible Curiosities? I really hope so.... of course i am hoping for a 101 curses too. :)

Cursed and Malevolent Magical Items. Very much in the spirit of those in the Emporium of Collectible Curiosities. I had a lot of fun putting them together and think there will be something for every GM to like in it. I don't promise the players will like it so much. :)

Reviewed here, on DTRPG and sent to GMS magazine. I'll also post it on RPGaggression and EnWorld.

Thank you for the review, I really enjoyed Fell Tree too :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nice review End.

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