Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
flash_cxxi RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
I found out yesterday morning that 179 of the 200 copies we printed off have been shipped from the warehouse to distributors. I've got a few reports of distributors already running out. If you are looking into getting a physical copy, you might want pick it up before supplies run out.
Orderd mine from here the other day and already got my shipping notice. 2 weeks and it's mine... :)
Paul Watson |
I found out yesterday morning that 179 of the 200 copies we printed off have been shipped from the warehouse to distributors. I've got a few reports of distributors already running out. If you are looking into getting a physical copy, you might want pick it up before supplies run out.
Backordererd already. :-(
flash_cxxi RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
flash_cxxi RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Very cool. Are monster books the way of the future for JBE? Best wishes,
This is was first posted, I had a vague idea that the Book of Beasts would do well, but I didn't know for sure. Since then, the response has been overwhelming. I mean literally, my best case scenarios that I was anticipating were nothing close to what actually happened. We're dangerously close to selling out of 6 month supply in less than a month. Reprints should be available in a 2-3 weeks.
So to answer your question xidoraven, JBE has decided to move forward with Book of Beasts 2. We're not quite ready to talk about it yet, but we will be in a month or so from now. And we're formulating plans for #3.
Steven T. Helt RPG Superstar 2013 |
I am very excited about this. Two great reviews, Top 10 in .pdf downloads, and a second print run!
As soon as I find out where the best place is, I'll start a thread for discussion about the book, including ideas, what my experience was like as a new free-lancer, and hopefully a lengthy obituary with fun stories of characters death rolled or turned into silver!
Steven T. Helt RPG Superstar 2013 |
Alrighty....Come here to talk about how I killed you, ask about the experience of writing one of your first books, or smell that new book smell!
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Jeff de luna |
One of the reviews referred to the Addanc as having a weird name... the Addanc is Welsh (it's a dialect word for beaver that was also use to mean lake monster). Peredur (Perceval) fought one at Llyn Farfog, the "Bearded Lake".
Crocodile-Beaver sounds about right. I haven't picked this up but the inclusion of the Addanc makes it likely I will.
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Steven T. Helt RPG Superstar 2013 |
One of the reviews referred to the Addanc as having a weird name...
Yeah I thought that was a little strange. I appreciate the review, but I find my self wondering if addanc is any stranger a name than cyclops or aboleth. And it's a mythological creature, to boot.
When I playtested the addanc, my poor Rokugan party suffered. We had a great roleplaying scene about what some would do to defend the others if they got into trouble, since a coupls of samurai kept looking for reasons NOT to get into the water. :}
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
The Book of Beasts: Monsters of the River Nations is featured on Know Direction 15. Give it a listen.
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Vic Wertz Chief Technical Officer |
joela wrote:Will it be available for order from one's FLGS?Yep. Reprints are in and distributors should have plenty of copies. Your FLGS should be able to order it with little to no problem.
Alliance Games, the biggest distributor in the industry, currently has stock in only one of their four warehouses; since many retailers order from a single warehouse to save on shipping, some retailers may wait until their preferred warehouse has stock. (At this point, you're more likely to have success on the east coast than on the west.)
joela |
DMcCoy1693 wrote:joela wrote:Will it be available for order from one's FLGS?Yep. Reprints are in and distributors should have plenty of copies. Your FLGS should be able to order it with little to no problem.Alliance Games, the biggest distributor in the industry, currently has stock in only one of their four warehouses; since many retailers order from a single warehouse to save on shipping, some retailers may wait until their preferred warehouse has stock. (At this point, you're more likely to have success on the east coast than on the west.)
Thanks, Vic. I'll discuss it with my FLGS. I do a lot a lot of special orders with them.
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Alliance Games, the biggest distributor in the industry, currently has stock in only one of their four warehouses; since many retailers order from a single warehouse to save on shipping, some retailers may wait until their preferred warehouse has stock. (At this point, you're more likely to have success on the east coast than on the west.)
Thanks Vic. Then the reprints should be hitting distributors shortly. The second wave of the reprints arrived at the warehouse last week and started going out to distributors shortly thereafter. The first wave of "reprints" really was all the copies I had onhand sent onto the warehouse in an attempt to stem the tide of backorders. I even sent out my own personal copy to go out into distribution.
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Aureus |
Kingmaker spoilers ahead
Hargulka almost TPKed our party and due to our house rule regarding starting level for new characters in an existing party the APL is a bit too low for VV.
So I created a small series of connected encounters. Perfect time for the critters from the BoB!
The PCs kingdom was damaged by flooding during one of the last event phases, so two riverswell spirits formed a tough first encounter and the plot-hook.
Following the clues to what caused the flood, the PCs found their way into an inn on the ford over the Thorn River. Where they found more clues and met old friends.
I always wanted to use the hydrus in our campaign, but I guess they are not really a challenge for an APL 6-party. So I had them preying on the woodcutters from RRR, which the party befriended and "adventured" with during the hunt on the Hodag. The challenge was to heal the wounded lumberjacks while killing the hydruses (?) at the same time.
As the PCs will discover in the next session, the rumors about the "water demon" relate in fact to an addanc which was (in part) responisble for the flood.
The riverswell spirits were really, really tough for its Drowning Touch ability. I expected a party with an undead "specialized" cleric would fare better, but the ghosts dropped all four PCs in no time. Was I right to let the PCs drown as soon as one failed their saving throw as in starting right here:
When the character finally fails her Constitution check, she begins to drown. In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hp). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she drowns.
They just survived the encounter because they fought on the doorstep of a temple dedicated to Pharasma at the shore of the lake. The entire priesthood (minus the high priest - the PC cleric) fought back the remaining spirit and saved the rulers lives.
Despite this tough start everybody had real fun due to the atmospheric monsters and their unique abilities!
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
BTW I also used a garmunchi in our game. As we play in German I wondered how the name came into being. Is it composed of "gar" as the fish and "munchi" from "munch" / noisy chewing or from another background?
The author, Steven Helt, will have to answer that one. He came up with the name.
Dale McCoy Jr Jon Brazer Enterprises |
Steven T. Helt RPG Superstar 2013 |
Aureus: I am grateful you've enjoyed the book. You have really captured what I envisioned for the riverswell spirits, and your use of the hydrus really brings out that post-flood fauna feel, snakes in the cistern and alligators in the streets and all that.
The garmunchi are loosely based on the myth of the armouchiquois in Native American mythology. They were tal and thin, with elongated arms and legs and mighty despite their skeletal appearance. In the Indian legends, they had very small heads. I wanted them to be sort of feral humans with a mysterious origin - maybe the rotten Worldwound if you paly Kingmaker in the Pathfinder setting, maybe a different background if you are using the River Nations material or fro somewhere else.
All in all I liked the way they turned out. As for their final name, I believe I submitted them as the 'garmouchi' originally. The idea was that the River Nations setting is not very Native MAerican in appeal, so I wanted to add harder consonants to the name and give them a French-Germanic feel.
So glad you folks are enjoying the book! Write to your favorite publishers and tell them to hire me! : }
Steven T. Helt RPG Superstar 2013 |
Aureus |
Aureus: I am grateful you've enjoyed the book. You have really captured what I envisioned for the riverswell spirits, and your use of the hydrus really brings out that post-flood fauna feel, snakes in the cistern and alligators in the streets and all that.
Most of the critters in BoB make it very easy to use them this way. I can't approach every monster or creature in this way, but I guess this is totally right as so many different people play this game!
The garmunchi are loosely based on the myth of the armouchiquois in Native American mythology. They were tal and thin, with elongated arms and legs and mighty despite their skeletal appearance. In the Indian legends, they had very small heads. I wanted them to be sort of feral humans with a mysterious origin - maybe the rotten Worldwound if you paly Kingmaker in the Pathfinder setting, maybe a different background if you are using the River Nations material or fro somewhere else.
Very cool! We are playing KM on Golarion, but I would have taken Koloran as an possible origin, not the Worldwound. (Although I REALLY like this region!!)
All in all I liked the way they turned out. As for their final name, I believe I submitted them as the 'garmouchi' originally. The idea was that the River Nations setting is not very Native MAerican in appeal, so I wanted to add harder consonants to the name and give them a French-Germanic feel.
So the word garmunchi isn't based on "real" words, but created to sound like historical Earth inspiration?
So glad you folks are enjoying the book! Write to your favorite publishers and tell them to hire me! : }
So glad I use material from guys I can talk or write to! Thank you for the reply, Steven!!