101 1st Level Spells (PFRPG) PDF

4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Never Cast the Same Spell Twice!

101 1st Level Spells gives you—yes, you guessed it—101 1st level spells that will help you realize the vision you've had for your spellcaster.

From spells that are cast as move, swift and immediate actions to a spell that lets you borrow skill ranks, or have your dragon tattoo bite your opponent, 101 1st Level Spells brings a host of new special abilities to your character's spellbook.

Wholly compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, 101 1st Level Spells adds new agonizing choices to the creation of your character's spell list and their advancement without breaking the game.

Author: Steven D. Russell
Artwork: Joe Calkins
Pages: 23 (28)

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4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Really Enjoyed


I won't rehash the mechanics of the product, but will add my two cents. I have been out of RPGing for decades, and started back up about 6 months ago. I would never have started if it were not for the fact that there is 1 other war gamer on Guam. I did find many RPGers, and am playing in a great campaign now. One of these players showed me Pathfinder and I went to the Paizo website. I had never really heard of 3rd party publishers before perusing the Paizo store and seeing the great number of publishers putting out material. The idea of another 101 spells sounded very cool to me and I bought the product.

I highly recommend this product. I don’t have the 30 years of continuous gaming experience, but the spells and expansion to any game was excellent. So good in fact, that I have purchased the other 7 spell expansions that are available. I am currently working on the GM to allow all of these great spells into our current campaign as well as other Rite Publishing products.

So weigh my opinion appropriately, I don’t know if anything in here will break a game, but the product is excellent, the presentation is excellent and well worth the money. Everything I have purchased from Rite Publishing has been above board.

I am amazed at the quality of product that 3rd party publishers are putting out. My wallet isn’t though.

101 neat new 1st level spells


This pdf is 28 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1page SRD and 2 pages of ads, leaving 23 pages for 101 spells.

The pdf kicks off with a one-page introduction to the series.

The spell-lists take up 3 pages.

The spells are:
-Adjust: Resize clothes, armor etc.
-Alter Liquid: Turn Water to Ale
-Alter Poison Damage Type: Change e.g. Str-damage to Dex-damage in a poison.
-Animate Element: Animate an element as a small elemental
-Animate Skeleton: Self-explanatory
-Animate Tattoo: Lets your tattoo attack at your normal range
-Animate Wood: Animate wooden object as an animate object
-Astute Fighting: Grants competence-bonus to BAB depending on the level of the caster
-Awesome Strike: Imbue your blows with the power to knock an enemy back and knock him prone
-Bee Sting: minor damage and possibly minor con-damage
-Bleeding Wounds: lets the enemy bleed from wounds he receives
-Blossoming Footsteps: Creates plants for usage with other spells and just plain looks cool
-Borrow Skill: Borrow Skill from another character for 1 round
-Breathtwist: Change the energy of a breath weapon
-Briefly Visible: Cancel Invisibility for a short period
-Brimstone: Throw a glowing stone with acrid smoke to damage your foes
-Brilliant Arc: Electric Arc damages enemies and has minor secondary bolts
-Clarity of Faith: Bonus to Knowledge (Religion)
-Clarity of Thought: +4 to Concentration
-Clear Conscience: Lose 1 min/level of memories prior to casting this spell. Awesome idea!
-Cock's Crow: Awaken sleepers
-Contingent Minor Healing: Contingency 1-point healing, minor damage to undead
-Color: Permanently alter the color of a creature or object
-Contrariness: -10 to Diplomacy
-Crop Circle: Use incorporeal scythes to cut crops and enemies
-Curse of Ineptitude: 50% failure to do stuff for one round (OP imho)
-Cutting Flame: Basically a way to cut through inanimate objects, this spell could be the safecracker's best friend
-Deep Shadows: Increase concealing properties of shadows
-Discerning Eye: Determines exact monetary value of one item
-Dispel Magic, lesser: As Dispel Magic, but the max bonus is +5. (I've been using this spell in my home campaign for years and designed it just like the people at RiP did!)
-Distract: Flat-foot an opponent
-Divine Beacon: When the target is within range, the caster knows any negative conditions on it
-Down and Out: +10 to the next CMB to disarm or trip
-Draw on Faith: Scaling Bonus up to +5 to either one attack roll, a save or check in the next minute.
-Earth Charger: Grant mount +4 and trample-damage
-Energy Missile: Shoot missiles of an energy type
-Energy Weapon: Sheathes weapon in energy type, dealing more damage
-Escape Grapple: +5 to check to escape a grapple
-Flashy Defense: Gain DR 1/ or Resistance 5, depending on the attack
-Foul Flesh: Makes own flesh nauseating for enemy bite attacks
-Foe's Measure:: Learn class or creature type along with level and HD. Disguised creatures are exempt. While the disguise-clause is nice, I don't like metagamey spells.
-Flank Shield: Prevents being flanked, unless flanked by a rogue with 4 lvls more than caster
-Glamour: +5 to Diplomacy and Bluff
-Gloomlight: Lets creatures with darkvision see in color
Guilt: Force enemy to think about past misdeed
-Harden: Increase objects hardness by half or +1.
-Heat Lightning: Lightning that may dazzle and set on fire
-Hesitation: Reduce initiative count of enemy by caster level
-Hey of the Bull's Eye: This spell makes it 20% possible for a missed attack to hit. Quite powerful for a 1st level spell.
-Hex Weapon: Succeed a Will-save or drop weapon
-Hidden Shelter: Magically create shelter that is hidden by your Stealth-check
-Ice Arm: Gain touch attack and minor ability to resist Fire
-Id Seizure: Affected creature can take only move actions
-Ignore: Make creature suffer -5 penalty to perception
-Illuminated Weapon: Disrupt undead enemies hit by the weapon and give them a penalty
-Inflict Pain: Deal non-lethal damage
-Invisible Familiar: Self-explanatory
-Inspired Initiative: +2 on next Ini-check
-Keen Senses: Gain/expand low-light vision
-Lash Fey: Damage Fey with Iron
-Malicious Intent: Penalize saving throws and a school of magic
-Mental Sentinel: Enhanced perception and Initiative
-Minor Lasting Image: Very small immobile illusion
-Missteps: -10 ft. movement and -2 to Dex
-Mistsight: See through fog
-Overcompensation: Lets weapon grow to the size that barely makes it wieldable
-Pearl of Brilliance: damage and dazzle foe, especially powerful against undead
-Peephole: Create a peephole
-Pins and Needles: Distract enemy, minor penalty, hampers spellcasting
-Poison Weapon: Adds weak poison to weapon
-Potent Weapon: grants weapon bane quality
-Precipitate: Conjure rain, sleet or snow, depending on the temperature
-Pressure Spray: use a blast of water to knock enemies back and quench fires
-Quill Skin: Damages constricting or swallowing creatures
-Reactive Armor: +2 to AC, can be cast as immediate action
-Righteous Strike: +1 to attack and damage and bypass all DR for one strike. (Paladinspell and as such limited and not op)
-Sacred Watch: Mental image of subject and whether it is in danger but not where it is
-Scentless: Suppress scent-trail
-Second Change: Retry a saving throw
-Self-loading bolts: Bolts targeted load themselves
-Shadow Hands: More subtle variation of burning hands
-Shadow Weapon: Conjure quasi-real weapon
-Share Sacrifice: Target heals half current HP damage, you gain the same amount of damage
-Skill Lore: Scaling insight bonus to skill
-Songstrike: Sonic damage
-Sonic Dart: Ranged touch attack sonic damage
-Soul Beacon: Bolster against Undead, but can easily be seen
-Spikes of the Locust Tree: Bolster unarmed strikes and makes unarmed attacks against target painful
-Stunning Note: Stun enemy
-Supernatural Ward: +4 on saving throws against supernatural effects
-Summon Weapon: Self-explanatory
-Sword Shock: Lets electricity damage target from held items, possibly causing him to drop them
-Torchbearer: Similar to an Unseen Servant, this spell conjures a creature to shed light
-True Shield: +20 Ac against the next attack With 1hour/level, the duration of this spell is MUCH too long.
-Tunnel: Gain burrow speed
-Undetectable Poison: Mask the presence of poisons
-Unspeakable Tongue: Subject speaks gibberish, but still can cast spells
-Valiant Resolve: Subject gains DR 10/non-lethal
-Ward, lesser: Create either a blast ward or a spell ward of up to 1st level
-White Noise: Target object hinders both sight and sound
-Wind Churn: Inflict Air (never knew this damage type existed...does it?) damage on enemies, force flying creatures that fail the save to land or fall.

Editing and formatting are top-notch, I didn't notice any typos. This b/w book follows the standard-two-column-layout and the artwork is ok - it's a combination of stock art and Joe Calkin's work. Before I go on any further, let me say that the 3.5.-glut has made me very, very wary on which spells I'll introduce to my game. Combine that with a rather skeptical approach to even more spells and you'll get this review. Most of the spells actually, as I'm happy to report, are not per se stronger than similar spells from the Core rules. Where the book truly shines, though, is with spells like "Torchbearer" and "Undetectable Poison", spells that make me think "Why hasn't anyone made them before?". Unfortunately there are also some spells like "True Shield" that are in my opinion not perfectly balanced. The above example has a duration that simply is too long. Some of the skill-bonus/penalty spells felt a bit like filler to me, but these are few and far between. On the other hand, though, many spells scale with levels and thus stay useful beyond the first level. What's my final verdict, then?
Due to my minor points of criticism, I won't rate this a perfect 5-stars but rather, I'll rate this 4 stars: Good buy for the low price, but there is still room for improvement.

101 1st level spells by Rite Publishing.


This product is 27 pages long. First three pages is cover, credits, and intro. The next 3 pages are spell lists for each class, with the sorc and wiz list broken up by spell school. Below is how many each class gets, obviously there is some overlap.

Bards – get 29 spells
Clerics – get 27 spells
Druids – get 30 spells
Paladin – gets 10 new spells
Ranger – gets 12 new spells
Sorc/Wizard – gets 75 spells
by school
Abjuration – 11 spells
Conjuration – 6 spells
Divination – 7 spells
Enchantment – 10 spells
Evocation – 9 spells
Illusion – 8 spells
Necromancy – 9 spells
Transmutation – 15 spells

Of the spells here is a couple of examples.
Hidden Shelter – This one I thought might be a little strong for a first level spell. It creates a shelter that protects against normal weather, rain, heat, cold etc. It creates the shelter out of the natural world around it, it requires a opposed perception/stealth check to spot the shelter as it blends in. Duration is the part that bothers me, 1 week/level. Ranger only spell.

Blossoming Footsteps – Makes plants grow where you walk or can even force flowers to grow. I loved this spell for the flavor.

Precipitate – creates normal rain or snow, depending on the temperature when cast. Another spell I loved.

Shadow Weapon – It creates a shadow version of any normal weapon, caster is is proficient with it for free. It does damage like the weapon of it's type. Will save for half damage. Now for the part for the part that makes me think it is a bit weak. After each hit the target gets a +1 to their save cumulative. So after 5 hits they get a +4 save and so on. (the bonus comes for every previous hit)

It finishes with 1 page of OGL and 2 full page ads.

Closing thoughts. If you like new spells you will love this book. Most of them are very inventive and full of flavorful fluff. I was often left thinking, how can I work this spell into my game. The art was by Joe Calkins and ranged from fair to good. Layout, editing, and production values are top notch as what one has come to expect from Rite Publishing.

The vast majority of the spells are very well done, there is only a handful I had questions or comments about, like Hidden Shelter. Of course some might find Hidden Shelter fine or even weak, others might think Shadow Weapon is strong. This is just my own person opinion. But considering there is 2-3 spells that I felt the same about as Hidden Weapon and Shadow Weapon was the only one I thought was weak. Most of the rest are like Blossoming Footsteps and Precipitate, flavorful interesting new spells that has me really looking forward to the next set of 101 spells. Really I can't find anything negative to say about this product, since it is to be expected not everyone is going to like every single spell. So with that in mind I am giving this a 5 star rating. If you are fan of new spells, I greatly recommend this.

***Note: I was given a advance copy of this for the purpose of this review. I would like to not that I had planned to buy it, Steven Russell just sent me a copy before I could buy it. I will also say I already plan to get the next one in the series.

I wanted to say thank you to Vic for getting this up.

Steve Russell
Author :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And review posted.

Great Review, DM!
I guess, I'll have to check this one out once my gaming budget permits.
I think, I'll tone done the shelter-spell, though. level/week seems a bit extreme.


Special Thanks to Dark Mistress for taking the time to do a review of our product. 5 out of 5 stars! Snoopy happy dance of joy.

Just a note on Hidden Shelter it is a ranger spell so its a 4th level ability and is limited by the ranger caster level

"At 4th level and higher, his caster level is equal to his ranger level – 3."

Just something to keep in mind, I guess I could have gone with 1/day per level duration (I think we originally dropped it down from being a permanent structure.)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks Endzeitgeist, I see you have been busy doing more reviews yourself.

Yeah I noted in my review it was a ranger only spell. I just thought it was a bit strong, since ranger spells are suppose to be weaker IE they get 1st level spells at 4th. I was more looking at how it stacked up to other 1st level ranger spells. But as I said with a 101 spells you can't expect to like them all. But considering I had issue with less than 10% of the spells including ones that I thought where fine spells, just not something that appealed to me. That's a pretty good track record.

Yes, I can't please all the people all the time :)

I just always try to be open to corrections.

We are #4 on the Top 100 of RpgNow, got a 5 star review, strong sales, and new subscribers, This has been a really good week.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rite Publishing wrote:

Yes, I can't please all the people all the time :)

I just always try to be open to corrections.

We are #4 on the Top 100 of RpgNow, got a 5 star review, strong sales, and new subscribers, This has been a really good week.

Also look at it this way. The most debated spell in the book is borderline if 1 week per level should be 1 day per level. That says a lot about how good the rest of the spells are. That's cool about the ranking and new subscribers. We will likely be subscribing soonish.

Edit: I just looked at the list, it is the number one d20 book currently. Even if it is not number 1 over all.

Yes untill my beloved rival Owen's book climbs on up,

Sovereign Court

Cool, looks like something I will get soon.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Not to deter people from buying these excellent PDFs, but is there any hope for a hardbound 101 Compendium in the future?

Scarab Sages

Rite Publishing wrote:
Yes until my beloved rival Owen's book climbs on up,

It's always nice to be mentioned by the Honored Competition.

I like the 101 Spells series. And in my opinion, if there was NO spell people were questioning, that would be a miracle. Gamers have different play styles, and different campaign types. Paizo created this version of my favorite game, and people question things they release all the time.

While I expect we'll do more 'Genius Guide to X Magic' spells, where we release a smaller selection of spells all tied to a theme, I don't currently foresee competing with the 101 line for Big Spell Compilation. These books are well done, popular, and fun. I would hate to anything to discourage rite from releasing more of them. (Indeed, I look forward to seeing what 101 9th level spells look like!)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

(Indeed, I look forward to seeing what 101 9th level spells look like!)

A-frickin'-men! Although I suspect it'll probably just be one 7th, 8th, and 9th level spell compendium combined. There aren't enough of us fans of high level content for it to be worth doing one all on its own for 9th level.

Kvantum wrote:
There aren't enough of us fans of high level content for it to be worth doing one all on its own for 9th level.

That is one possibility, the other possibility is that 7th, 8th and 9th level spells are done off schedule, while other parts of the 101 series take over the release of the 1st of the month; It will really depend on what our direct subscribers want.

There have been calls for 101 0th Level Spells (or 101 Cantrips if you like), 101 Cursed Items, 101 Additional Magical Weapon Properties. 101 Magical Armor and Shield Properties.

Also with the release of the APG there are ideas like 101 Haunts

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
I like the 101 Spells series.

Thank You, The Genius Guides to X are a very hard high quality act to follow but the 101 series is doing very well for us. There are also things like the Godling and Time thief that just blow me away. (and end up in use in my home game).

Next year we sit down and have dinner at Gencon so we can chat.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

After the spells I would love to see

101 unusual cursed items. (like those from Kavit M. Tor's Emporium of Collectible Curiosities)

101 unusual curses (from same books as above)

101 Haunts

Something I have always wanted to see, so thought i would throw this out there. Is rituals, magical effects that casters can do that take a long time to cast. Mostly I would say mimic many of the existing spells only have them effect a bigger area or last longer or both. Like Consecrated Ground before building a church. Gives the land a long last bless effect or something similar.

On a final comment, I do hope you plan to either update or offer free web enhancements of all the 101 spells including spell lists for the new caster classes in the APG. Or maybe do a 101 Witch Spells, spread out over all levels of the spells.

The new spell lists will appear in the print compilation.


I just got the PDF of this (as well as the other 3 too!)and my download had no cover page, title page, index page, or back cover. It also did not have the bookmarks or the neat background like the other 3 do.

Is this intentional or did I get a bad download?

Not complaining for $5 but it did seem odd.



Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Hawk Kriegsman wrote:


I just got the PDF of this (as well as the other 3 too!)and my download had no cover page, title page, index page, or back cover. It also did not have the bookmarks or the neat background like the other 3 do.

Is this intentional or did I get a bad download?

Not complaining for $5 but it did seem odd.



Thats the print friendly version. You should be able to download both version of each book. Check to see if there is both versions to be downloaded. Cause thats how my print friendly copies look.

@Hawk Kriegsman: as Dark Mistress said there should be two download links one is a printer friendly version and the other is the core document, if you are still having a problem please email me at steve (at) RitePublishing (dot) com

Hello Guys,

Thanks for the fast responses.

My bad! I negleted to mention that 1st level spells download only had one file in it, while the others had two files.

I just downloaded it again and I get a single file.

The file name I recieved is: RIP0065E.

So it seems to be a Paizo store issue?

Let me know what you need me to do to get the full version.



@Hawk Kriegsman, again if your having a problem email me at steve (at) RitePublishing (dot) com

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

With most of Steve's other 101 products, you'd get one download link, which leads to a zipped file containing two files—one normal, one print-friendly. For this one, the zip currently just contains one file.

I'll work with Steve to get it corrected, and then we'll notify purchasers by e-mail.

Rite Publishing wrote:

@Hawk Kriegsman, again if your having a problem email me at steve (at) RitePublishing (dot) com

Hi Steve,

I am not having a problem. Something is wrong with the link.

The download I get from the Paizo store just does not have two files in it. I get one file as I detailed above.

I was letting you and Paizo know that the link may have an issue.

I am sure Paizo will get it fixed in due course.

I have the spells (and they are nice). The rest is chrome and polish for me.

E-Mail sent.

Again thanks for the quick response.



Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer


It should be fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Thanks for the quick response.

It was no inconvenience at all.

No apology needed.



Hello Guys,

Unfortunately the link is incorrect (at least in my downloads). I get two files:

101_1st_Level_Spells_PFRPG_v1 & 101_1st_LS_PrinterFriendly

I downloaded and saved both files without a problem.

The printer friendly file was fine, however when I opened the other file I got 101 Magical Weapon Properties.

I tried the download again just now and the 101_1st_Level_Spells_PFRPG_v1 file gets me the 101 Weapon Properties.

So I still don't have a full copy of 101 1st level spells and I owe Rite Publishing $5 for the 101 Magical Weapon Properties (which is nice by the way).



Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

How Odd.... but 101 weapon properties is a nice book too. :)

I also purchased this product and received Magical Weapon Properties for the main file instead of 1st Level Spells. The correct product is there in the printer friendly version.

I have no control over this folks its an issue on Paizo's end of how their update file uploader works. If you email me I will see that you get the correct copy of the file. I will be working with Paizo when they get back in the office (I have been on vacation in the smokey mountains and just got back into dayton an hour and a half ago).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer


It's really, really, *really* fixed now. The changes I made on Friday weren't sticking, but I have had the appropriate servers thoroughly beaten. Everything is in sync now, and they shall not disobey me again!

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:


It's really, really, *really* fixed now. The changes I made on Friday weren't sticking, but I have had the appropriate servers thoroughly beaten. Everything is in sync now, and they shall not disobey me again!

You show them who's boss, Vic!

Thanks Vic,

I really appreciate it.

Hello All,

Finally got a chance to get the download and all is well.

Thanks much to Vic and the fine folks at Rite publishing.

Now to buy the 101 Magical Weapon properties to pay for what I got by accident.



Just consider it a bonus for your trouble

It really was no trouble.

I actually bought it.

For me it is the right thing to do.

No pun intended.



Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nice review End. I see you are being busy again today with all the new reviews.

Thanks, D_M! More to come! ^^

I will just point this out that th duration of True Shield is 1/hour per level or until discharged. So if you cast it right now and on the next turn a kobold or a dragon attacks you you add the +20 to your AC for that singular attack, discharging the spell so it goes away.

My reasoning for the long duration is that unlike true strike you have no control of when this spell really gets used. I was looking for an abjuration spell that was as powerful as true strike is for divination.

I of course could be wrong feeling it was balanced and that it worked well in long term play.

Endzeitgeist: what would you have suggested the duration be?

I realize that, however, I'm rather conservative on the side of power levels and I know that my PCs would try to never leave home without this spell, create scrolls etc.

I still think the spell is a good idea, however, I'd limit the duration to 1 round, like true strike, and make it a reason to delay/ready an action.

If you wanted to be less conservative, you could go for 1 round per level and still have it work as intended. 1/hour per level is quite some time, even without means to control the discharge, this is the ultimate Assassination-prevention and I like assassinations/ninjas etc. in my game. ;)

Just my two cents, of course!

All the best,

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Two spells appear in the spell lists bt have no main text with them. These are Avert Attack and Mental Sentinel.

avert attack became True Shield

and I don't remember what we changed the name of mental sentiel too I will double check.

Once 101 Cantrips is done I plan to go back in and fix all the minor errors with errata versions. (yeah for the PDF)

Endzeitgeist wrote:

I realize that, however, I'm rather conservative on the side of power levels and I know that my PCs would try to never leave home without this spell, create scrolls etc.

I still think the spell is a good idea, however, I'd limit the duration to 1 round, like true strike, and make it a reason to delay/ready an action.

If you wanted to be less conservative, you could go for 1 round per level and still have it work as intended. 1/hour per level is quite some time, even without means to control the discharge, this is the ultimate Assassination-prevention and I like assassinations/ninjas etc. in my game. ;)

Just my two cents, of course!

All the best,

1 round: play tests proved if you did this the spell never gets used the players would rather attack someone than cast a defensive spell.

1/round per level has the exact same problem at low levels.

1 min./level makes everyone rush around to get things done while the spell is up.

If you a good assassian you study your target and learn his defenses, you don't just jump out of the bushes and hack at him thats a brigads tactics. If after studying him you learn of this spell (you see him cast it or witness its effects, you have you partner shoot a crossbow at him and then you stab him, or you have your caster friend cast a dispel magic and then attack him.

We simply wanted it to be as useful as True Strike.

I wanted to thank jwood314 for posting a review of our prduct.

Your wallet will do just fine, as we continue on we now have levels 1-9 and will be work on 0th level spells this month!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Rite Publishing wrote:

avert attack became True Shield

and I don't remember what we changed the name of mental sentiel too I will double check.

Once 101 Cantrips is done I plan to go back in and fix all the minor errors with errata versions. (yeah for the PDF)

That makes sense. To be honest, I only noticed because of your very helpful documents on the Rite forums suggesting what spells Alchemists, etc should have access to.

Is there any chance that the documents from the Rite forums that detail what spells the APG classes get from this PDF be made publicly available?

You will find the first one here for free Inquisitor spell list

Question about Poison Weapon, does the poison persist throughout the 1 min/CL duration, thus capable of poisoning multiple foes, or is it used up once it strikes someone?

It is used up once it strikes someone, (otherwise it is completely broken)

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