Call of Cthulhu: The Doom from Below

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)
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That Which Lies...

Deep in the New England woods lies a perfectly circular chasm plunging hundreds of feet into the earth. Is it a marvel of nature or the remnant of some ancient maleficence? As the investigators explore the depths of this haunted pit they face geologic dangers, bizarre subterranean creatures, and a message from the dawn of time. Will they find the courage to overcome The Doom from Below?

The Doom from Below contains everything a Call of Cthulhu group needs for an evening's worth of Mythos-inspired fun, including pregenerated characters. It is the second in an innovative new series of Call of Cthulhu scenarios and supplements from Super Genius Games.

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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A nice, classic exploration.


The RPG resource review has mentioned almost everything I have to say about this module.

I'd definitely recommend using "The Doom from Below" in conjunction with "Murder of Crows":
MoC as a kind of prequel to the exploration in TDfB. They complement each other very well: MoC has enough interaction to smooth over the lack of social encounters in TDfB. (Which is understandable, considering the nature of the module.)

The finale is awesome and really something different. Highly recommended to kick off a new CoC campaign, especially in conjunction with MoC.

Super Genius Games

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