Champions—6th Edition PDF

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Champions, the world’s greatest superhero roleplaying game!

Champions 6th Edition for the HERO System is the ultimate guide to creating heroes, having superheroic adventures, and creating superhero campaigns. Soar through the skies, fight villains, and save humanity from all kinds of fiendish menaces!

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Is this a complete ruleset or a campaign setting for Hero System?

One of my kids is really enamored with Champions now because of Champions Online, and he wants to buy this, but, I don't want to have to invest in several Hero System books so he can use the Champions book.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

Is this a complete ruleset or a campaign setting for Hero System?

One of my kids is really enamored with Champions now because of Champions Online, and he wants to buy this, but, I don't want to have to invest in several Hero System books so he can use the Champions book.

It doesn't contain the HERO System rules. You'll need either the simplified Basic Rulebook, or the 2-book set, which adds a bunch of options and details (available separately as Volume 1 and Volume 2, or as a bundled PDF).

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