Fantastic Maps: Tree Bridge PDF

4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Jonathan Roberts, cartographer for Kobold Quarterly and Adventures in the Hyborian Age, presents "To Kill or Not To Kill" map: Tree Bridge. This multi-page PDF allows you to print out the battlemap at a 1 square=1 inch scale as a letter-format map and is also available in a printer-friendly light grayscale version.

The immense islands of earth block out the sun, casting an eternal twilight. Eventually, you come to an unusual area. The water has pooled where the trees tore the ground up from the earth to create a vast dark lake in which the occasional whirlpool forms. This shadowy mere blocks any further travel via land. However, a great tree appears to have fallen down and created a natural bridge over the area. Two large waterfalls flow down from the islands to either side of the bridge, soft mist filling the air in between.

We have also added a high-resolution jpg version of the map (with and without the grid) for ease of use on a virtual tabletop.

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4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Limited use, but great none-the-less.


I don't see myself using this too often, but I will definitely make an effort to create an encounter centered around crossing this Tree Bridge!

Excellent map


This is a great map, the graphics are excellent and the detail is good.

The only reason I gave this 4 stars instead of 5 is because it's a fairly limited use item, there just aren't a lot of tree crossing scenarios out there.

I wanted to thank Ogre for taking the time to do a review of our product

Steve Russell
Rite Publishing

Indeed. Many thanks for the review of the map. Much appreciated.

Special Thanks to DMT for all the reviews he churned out for the Fantastic Maps series.

I would like to point out to everyone that you can use this map anytime you need to cross a river :).

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