Fantasyscape: Shadow Maul Prison Sewers PDF

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All good adventures eventually have a need for a dungeon or a template to face off against hordes of evil. And now you can send your adventurers into the same kinds of dangers! With this all-new Fantastyscape gaming tile set, Fantasyscape: Shadow Maul Prison Sewers, you can send your players on all kinds of new and exciting adventures. Fantasyscapegaming tiles are easy to use and add ease, detail and excitement to your local home campaigns. Fantasyscape gaming tiles contain everything you need to print out and construct highly detailed encounter areas, large or small. Fantasyscape gaming tiles contain 6x6-inch square tiles, for exchangeable, ready-to-use and flexible use for fans of fantasy tile sets that can be used over and over.

Fantasyscape: Shadow Maul Prison Sewers contains over 40 unique and interesting tiles for those looking to add the ability to escape from a penal institution like the Shadow Maul Prison into their gaming sessions.

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