Sidetrek Adventure Weekly 2—The Undead Chronicles #3: The Strangulating Rill (OGL) PDF

Our Price: $4.50

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Surviving a harrowing night of attacks by waves of zombies, the people of Merzel’s Fall finally have a chance to catch their breath and assess their situation. The realization that legendary local Caba Dell has not yet arrived in town leads to a mad chase throughout the countryside. Confronted by the unexpected, can our heroes survive the Strangulating Rill?

Sidetrek Adventure Weekly 2: The Undead Chronicles tosses our heroes into a zombie hot zone as all hell is about to bust loose. This volume can be cut up and used to spice up your regular campaign with some high-octane encounters or linked together to play a larger, robust, rollercoaster-ride of a mini-campaign. Jump aboard Sidetrek Adventure Weekly tonight!

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Surviving a harrowing night of attacks by waves of zombies, the people of Merzel’s Fall finally have a chance to catch their breath and assess their situation. The realization that legendary local Caba Dell has not yet arrived in town leads to a mad chase throughout the countryside. Confronted by the unexpected, can our heroes survive the Strangulating Rill?

Sidetrek Adventure Weekly 2: The Undead Chronicles tosses our heroes into a zombie hot zone as all hell is about to bust loose. This volume can be cut up and used to spice up your regular campaign with some high-octane encounters or linked together to play a larger, robust, rollercoaster-ride of a mini-campaign. Jump aboard Sidetrek Adventure Weekly tonight! Get your copy here!!!

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