Secret Agent Monthly July 08 (OGL) PDF

Our Price: $4.25

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If you love Jack Bauer, James Bond, Jason Bourne, Sam Fisher, Nick Fury, Jack Ryan, Napoleon Solo or Emma Peel, and wish you could have that feeling in your games, then this is the product for you! Secret Agent Monthly July 08 has all new equipment, new feats and new variant rules to add specifically for all OGL 3.5 Modern / Espionage RPG games. Each item in the PDF can be easily integrated into your OGL 3.5 Modern/Espionage game setting with little to no work on your part. That in turn will make your OGL 3.5 Modern/Espionage gaming even better.

The July 08 issue includes new equipment such as Demographic Cloth (PL 6) and New Ordnance: Mortars. New feats include Autohypnosis, Combat Dog Master, MK-Ultra Conditioning, Scapegoat Politics and many more. Written by Chris A. Field.

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