Death: I'm getting better! (clarification on death rules)

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Rulebook v3, p13 wrote:
Place any cards in your deck, hand, and discard pile under your character card. You cannot take turns, play cards, move, or do anything else for the rest of this scenario. Certain powerful cards allow you to return from death; if this doesn’t happen before the end of the scenario, your death is permanent.

During the heat of a close game with a group of 7 other friends (two of whom were "helping", I'm pretty sure I made a bad call regarding death. My brother-in-law, playing Seelah, burned through his deck too quickly and carelessly and died when he didn't have cards to reset his hand. My wife, as Lini, trekked to his location and used a Cure to bring him back. Now that I've taken more time to read the rules, I'm sure that was a breach!

Based on what the rules say, it sounds like all his cards should have been buried. With cards buried and him no longer having a discard pile, the Cure would have had nothing to... cure. But why don't the rules just come out and say "Bury any cards in y our deck, hand and discard pile"? That would have been much clearer to me. Or is there some reason I'm not picking up on as to why it is worded as it is?

That all said, if some search results are correct, there's actually no way at this time to resurrect someone. Correct?

I guess in the end, the fallout of the bad call is minimal. This group was only on Black Fang's Dungeon, so my brother-in-law's character only had a couple different cards in the deck from how he started, and to rebuild his character, it would have been 99% the same anyway.

They are simply very literal in their wording. If there is some effect later that triggers when cards are buried, they want to make sure that doesn't happen when someone dies. Also, there may be powers later that allow the un-burying (exhuming, perhaps?) of cards...and they want no confusion that that may be able to affect cards placed under the character card after death.

But, yeah, currently there is no way to raise a dead hero. It was nice of Lini to try, though. :)

csouth154 wrote:

They are simply very literal in their wording. If there is some effect later that triggers when cards are buried, they want to make sure that doesn't happen when someone dies. Also, there may be powers later that allow the un-burying (exhuming, perhaps?) of cards...and they want no confusion that that may be able to affect cards placed under the character card after death.

But, yeah, currently there is no way to raise a dead hero. It was nice of Lini to try, though. :)

There is actually a raise dead spell though I'm not sure which adventure in which it is included. I got to see it when playing with Mike at bgg.con.

According to their save game sheets, it's in pack 5.

Nehkrimah wrote:
According to their save game sheets, it's in pack 5.

Right, which means at this time there is no way to bring back someone who dies. Not until AD5 comes out. And someone is able to acquire said boon.

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