Sidetrek Adventure Weekly 2—The Undead Chronicles #1: The Blood Rush (OGL) PDF

Our Price: $4.50

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When a corpse floats to the heroes' feet in a gold panner’s stream, frozen horrors erupt from the waters and ravenous wolves close in. A chaotic chase leads the adventures to the abandoned town of Merzel’s Fall where an apex predator stands between them and a celebratory bonfire with a disturbing omen. Will anyone survive the Blood Rush?

Welcome to Sidetrek Adventure Weekly 2—The Undead Chronicles, which tosses our heroes into a zombie hot zone as all hell is about to bust loose. This volume can be cut up and used to spice up your regular campaign with some high-octane encounters, or it can be linked together to play a larger, robust, rollercoaster-ride of a mini-campaign. Jump aboard Sidetrek Adventure Weekly tonight!

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Hi all,

"The Blood Rush" is my wife and my first offering through Louis Porter Jr Design. We're eager for feedback from anyone who's had a chance to read/play it. Do you like corrupted, necrotic regeneration as much as we do? There's some top talent following up the SAW 2 line, and we hope we kicked off the madness in style!

--Tim & Eileen Connors--

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This looks neat but.. what is it? I see the OGL logo, so I figure it's D20, but is that d20 modern or regular era DnD? What level is this appropriate for and how long is it?

Hmmmm . . . I bought and downloaded this and the related player's guide, expecting it to be a beginner level adventure. It's not. Although the info isn't listed above, it has their Adventure Level: Medium tag, which means 6-10.

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