Prototype: Blue Equalizer (d20 Modern) PDF

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You joined the force with the best of intentions; you wanted to lock up the bad guys and protect the innocents, but somewhere along the way things got twisted. Somewhere along the way, you realized that the laws you are supposed to enforce are meaningless; the crooks have the firepower, the money and the sheer insanity to ignore the law. Somewhere along the way, you realized the only good cops were retired, dead or on the take, and you were rolling down the streets with the dregs. Somewhere along the way, you realized that it's easier to just kick in the door on some pretext than bother getting a warrant, and that is easier to beat a thief senseless or put a bullet in a rapist's head than trust the courts to sentence them.

This 5-page PDF is just the sort of thing needed for GMs to add depth to any great d20 Modern campaign world, including Sanctuary: City of Secrets.

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