Sidetrek Adventure Weekly #5: Attack of the Trigga Noir (d20) PDFLouis Porter Jr. DesignExhausted from their excursions in the den of the Ghost Dogs, our heroes find themselves enjoying some well-earned rest at the Burnt Ember Inn. A visit from an old "friend" quickly turns into a ambush by a deadly band of ancient assassins, intent on recovering the mythic Key of Troodon… will our heroes survive the Attack of the Trigga Noir? Each Sidetrek Adventure Weekly episode throws characters into an action-packed encounter designed to electrify your game. Drop any Sidetrek Adventure Weekly directly into your adventure as a stand-alone combat. Or, if you dare, link all 12 into one pulse-racing, white-knuckle sidetrek adventure series. Jump aboard Sidetrek Adventure Weekly tonight! Written by Greg Oppedisano with Adam Daigle. Product Availability
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