Espionage Genre Toolkit: New World Disorder (d20 Modern) PDF

Our Price: $3.25

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Conspiracies, government clampdowns, the birth of militias and regional factions—are these the signs of a nation in chaos, or the signs of a nation that is under tightening control? During periods of confusion, there are always those who are willing to step up to the plate and reveal the dark deals made by those in power, just as there are those who are willing to defend these agendas at all costs. Enter New World Disorder—a series of guidelines, new allegiances, and tools for creating effective conspiracies, as well as the shadowy men who head them.

    This sourcebook includes:
  • All-New Allegiances: The Man, Grizzled Loner, Anti-Authority, Militia, Conspiracy Theory and The Truth
  • Three New Tricks of the Trade: Red Herrings, Partial Red Herring, Recurring Characters
  • All-New Templates—Spooks: Pursuer Spook, Assassin Spook, Informant Spook, Gadget Spook
  • All-New World Disorder Feats including Alien Abductee, Clean Slate and New Age Lunatic
  • All-New Advanced Class: Man In Black
  • Plus customizable forms for d20 and OGL Modern adventure and campaigns

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