Espionage Genre Toolkit: Cybermillennium (d20 Modern) PDF

Our Price: $3.25

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What awaits us in the near future? Is the world on the edge of a breakthrough, or hurtling towards a breakdown? Let your players discover the answer! In a Cybermillennium campaign, you have the ability to design your own future, using tropes as a backbone to create an intense new world. Characters are provided with common archetypes modified into allegiances to help them fit into a future setting. Finally, a prestige class, the Wire Rider, can give you a glimpse of what an enhanced human could be like.

    This sourcebook includes:
  • All-New Allegiances: Technocracy, Atavists, Hedonists, Rowdies, Survivalists and Underworlder
  • New Optional Rules: Cybernetics and new Implants including Chemical Sensor, Hardened Palms and Peripheral Sensor
  • The Cyber Millennium Styles: Dystopia versus Utopia
  • All-New Dystopia Types: Technology Ascendant and Encroaching Wilderness
  • All-New Utopia Types: Pax Universalis and Beyond the Pale
  • All-New Cyber Millennium Feats including Burnout, Programming Aptitude and Rim Runner
  • All-New Advanced Class: Wire Rider
  • customizable forms for d20 and OGL Modern adventures and campaigns

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