Polymecha: Prototype—Radiation Hougan (d20 Modern) PDF

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After the bomb, the world was changed forever. Baptized in ash, it entered a cold and terrible winter—but the spirits, the Loa, awoke. With newfound purpose, they were eager to seek out and aid humanity in its darkest hour. The conditions that mankind had come to inhabit were terrible, and not one amongst the Loa was unmoved by this plight. One spirit in particular—called Okutagbigbona, or Hot Stone, had a powerful connection to the new world. He was a spirit born of the bomb’s seed, a being of nuclear forces and great strength. His followers could gather his power into themselves by taking on doses of radiation—and through him, these Houngans would contact the other Loa much more quickly and easily. So the new priesthood was formed through a silent nuclear sacrament.

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