Master Performers: Sourcebook for Bards, Rogues and Assassins (OGL) PDF

Our Price: $5.00

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This sourcebook presents new and unusual types of artists and performers. While many of the prestige classes described herein focus on a character’s ability to deliver masterful performances in a variety of arenas—from reciting poetry and dancing to singing and playing a musical instrument—some members of these classes use their uncanny abilities to perform as simple guises, while others consider their art to be their sole interest and indeed their only true passion. Using a combination of charm, guile, and a myriad of talents, the members of the fifteen prestige classes presented in this sourcebook are extremely gifted and versatile characters. While Bards, Rogues, and Assassins are naturally more attracted to these prestige classes, anyone who meets the requirements can become a member of any of these classes. Some of these prestige classes, in fact, are especially well suited for characters hailing from other professions, such as warriors and spellcasters.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I was wondering, do you have plans to update this to PFRPG? I really liked this book and would love to see it update to use Pathfinder rules.

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