Polymecha: Prototype—Trash Elementalist (d20 Modern) PDFLouis Porter Jr. DesignThe oldest forces in the world are never destroyed; they merely seek a new way to manifest. Ancient magical beings winked out one by one as mankind’s toxic influence spread across the world. But they were never really gone, only dormant; the old elements awaited a new vehicle to express their influence. When they returned, they were changed. The Trash Elementalist draws upon their new forms, releasing ancient power through the new order of nature. Trash Elementalists are the wilderness lovers of the dystopian world, but they don’t see beauty in a forest or a bubbling brook. Instead, a Trash Elementalist finds his joy in the fiery red sunset of a polluted sky, towering monoliths of stacked tires, and the prismatic sheen of gasoline on water. Although they are seldom objectively evil, a Trash Elementalist espouses the creation of conditions that do not support regular human life.
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