Polymecha: Classes of Starship Destruction (d20 Modern) PDF

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Being part of a starship crew isn't the same as being a generic space traveler. It requires the ability to be flexible, work well as part of a team, manage limited resources and remain calm in the face of unexpected threats. While it is certainly possible for characters to earn spots on a starship crew with more generic class selections, the unique brand of mavericks that master the jobs of a starship crew need their own advanced classes. The six starship crew classes presented—Commander, Engineering Officer, Helm/Navigation Officer, Medical Officer, Security Officer and Science/Systems Officer—are designed to be generic enough to fit any starfaring campaign, but remain focused on the skills and abilities of a dedicated starship crew.

This 12-page PDF is just the sort of thing needed for GMs to add depth to any great futuristic d20 Modern campaign including Polymecha. Written by the Wizards of the Coast superstar Owen K.C. Stephens.

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