Planetside: Shirova, The Library Planet (d20 Modern) PDFLouis Porter Jr. DesignShirova is well-known as one of the largest stores of knowledge in explored space, if not the galaxy. Scholars and scientists from far and wide come to study the lore held on Shirova. This information is stored in special crystals called gija crystals that can store massive amounts of energy in highly ordered states, allowing for huge stores of data to be held in a small space. The local sentient life form, the insectoid sirax, initially welcomed off-worlders, but now are not so sure as off-worlders spread to more areas of their world; they primarily use peaceful means to resist the off-worlders. Lately, other native life forms have emerged which seem intent on driving all creatures from beyond Shirova from the surface. It seems a battle for Shirova may be building, but the stakes are larger than any of the off-worlders can imagine. Written by Lee Hammock. Product Availability
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