Accent Your Character—Volume 1: Cockney and the Queen's English CD

Our Price: $13.95


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Add some kick to your characters with some quick and simple dialect training. Paul Meier has been training actors for over 25 years and now offers his experience to the casual pretender in these entertaining presentations.

Within this CD you will find accent tips, colloquialisms, and charismatic character concepts that will add to your storytelling, roleplaying, or cosplay.

Each presentation includes an overview of the common sounds you will hear in the dialect and exercised in several hilarious encounters you might find in your stories or games. Paul Meier is as entertaining as he is informative, making it easy to pick up and listen to again and again.

Additional documentation is available for download from to help you as you follow along or to refer back to for a quick slip into character.

Make use of your drive time by preparing your character for their next adventure.

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The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

These CDs sound like an interesting idea. Anybody try this yet?

The Exchange

Cor, blimey, guv'nor, they sound proper daft. No wot I meen.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Cor, blimey, guv'nor, they sound proper daft. No wot I meen.

take it easy now mate, no need to get in a two and eight about it... strike a light, it's only some bleedin CD


The Exchange

Kendrik, Lion of Ratik wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Cor, blimey, guv'nor, they sound proper daft. No wot I meen.

take it easy now mate, no need to get in a two and eight about it... strike a light, it's only some bleedin CD


Someone would need to give me loaf a proper butcher's hook if I spent me coppers on this one, mate.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Crikey! These bloody CDs are a downright awesome idear!

The Exchange

Oi! Who's this American geezer! He can't talk proper like, not like wot I do.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Yes! Um... forsooth, Beatles, what ho cheerio... bad dental hygiene, wonkers, and laddie!

When it's sixes and sevens...NUTMEG 'EM!!!

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