Bella Sara: 2nd Series

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Bella Sara has added to the stables! Introducing new horses with an extra bit of fantasy to the world of Bella Sara—horses that swim, fly, and do other magical things.

The second series includes 112 horse cards: 85 regular cards and 27 foils, which are extra-rare, "shiny" versions of regular horse cards. There are also 12 new energy cards, which feature horse tack such as saddles and halters, and can be used to assist in caring for virtual horses and to unlock additional games and features on the Bella Sara website.

Packs contain 5 cards, and displays contain 36 packs.

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does anybody have the activation code for Roxy? mine wont work

Wilma Tucker 72:

Every card has a unique number, so every "Roxy" card will be different. Try typing the number again if you haven't already; it should work.

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