zenith020388's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Well, balls. I just wrote out a 500-word item, and added a bit of non-specific fluff at the bottom for flavour. That's what I get for not paying attention to the rules... Bleah... Any way I can re-do my submission?

Zmar wrote:
Oracles have worked fine so far for me. You can't multiclass to Oracle (or any class) with different archetypes however. You can have levels in the class of the same name only once. You can stack multiple archetypes however as long as they don't replace the same feature. You can't also have multiple levels in different class specialisation, for example you can't be Evoker 3 / Necromancer 2, since both of these are levels in the same class - Wizard.

Aegh. Balls. Well played, sir. Still, I guess I'm looking for some advice on how to make her a little more interesting. Maybe a few levels of sorcerer? Any thoughts on bloodline/mysteries that mesh well?

Miracles, B#@$%!

Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyway, ever since I read the class in he APH, I've always wanted to try one out. I've got the chance with our group's latest campaign, but i;ve been thinking about ways to make her stand up a little more. Here's my question:

Can I multiclass Oracle of Battle with another type of oracle?

I have been considering this for a while, and I have a deity who qualifies for multiple oracle classes (Battle, Waves and Wind), but I would be effectively double cursed and have to take two seperate spell lists. While tat means I'll have lots of spells per day and lots of different spells, If I 'max' out both (10 levels in each) I'll be stuck with only a few level 5 spells at max level as my high-end spells.

Any thoughts on this?