zebuleon's page

Goblin Squad Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Why do Light, Medium, and Heavy armor all have the same max AC of 7?

Shouldn't there be at least a point or two difference between them or what's the point of ever getting heavy armor?

Not only will you have lower TAC than the Medium but you also have higher cost and penalties with no real upside.

unless the idea is to be like FF Star wars where, as you get more advanced you wear less armor. after a couple boosts to dex you don't need heavy armor anymore.

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I need some advice from those that have completed this campaign. I want to speed up the second half of the campaign. I'm about to start the Secrets of the Soul Pillars chapter.

What i want advice on is what parts can I just delete without hurting the story too much. What parts I can shorten? Ideas on how to combine some events into a single event? etc.

any suggestions would be helpful.
