I have a question in a similar vein.
I am running a campaign in my own world that was 3.5 D&D and we have recently converted to PFRPG. (something I have been exceedingly happy about!)
My world is a homebrew creation based upon a FR campaign I ran for 7 years. The short version is that players failed to defeat the evil menace at the end of this incredibly long story and the world was plunged into darkness and destruction for millennium upon millennium until the world itself did not resemble anything of any published setting even geographically. However I have used materials from different FR or Eberron products occasionally while changing their flavor or descriptions so that they better fit my world and as such I have run into an interesting problem with two of the characters.
The first character being a human wizard who grew up the son of a wealthy merchant family (which is a long story itself) and has the Mercantile Background feat which allows him to sell goods at 75% of their value instead of 50% and once per month buy something at 75% its value instead of 100%
and the second character is a gnomish technomancer (Artificer from ToS) who enjoys mixing technology and magic and crafting things. Now he possesses a class feature called Salvage (ToS pg 14) which in short allows him to spend a day deconstructing a magic item and gain a phantom reserve of gp value equal to its Base Cost (the magic cost to enchant which is 50% of the market price not counting the cost of the object itself) thus he could deconstruct an item and make it into any other magic item of the same value.
The trouble is this: if any character can sell any magic item at 50% of its value then salvage becomes worse than useless because the same aforementioned gnome could instead of wasting a day per item salvaging them sell them and gain as much money or more (a +1 magic longsword is worth 2,315 2000gp for magic {base cost 1k} 315 for the masterwork longsword and therefore could be salvaged for 1,00gp or sold for 1,157gp and 5sp) thus making it better for him to sell the item ignore the class feature and buy 1k worth of crafting components pocketing the nice 157.5gp profit.
Worse still is that the mercantile background feat really exaggerates the worthlessness of salvage by increasing the profits an extra 25%
Normally I would simply take away Salvage and replace it with something (even just a bonus feat) more worthwhile but this also bothers my sense of continuity and realism.
Any suggestions?