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I mean, I can't even argue that point. Why didn't they deal with the Orc in the first place?

Cavall wrote:

Bleed isn't powerful... unless it can't heal.

You can do bleed of 1 to a mammoth and fly away.

wow...just wow. With that statement, the character can fly meaning one of two things, they're a strix or are high enough level to have a magic item allowing them to fly and thus would probably be according to the PC wealth table, level 5 or higher. Having this at your disposal you choose to go out to, find a mammoth, stab it once to inflict bleed and "fly away". What a wonderful hypothetical.

Heal is an untrained skill, so perhaps the mammoth decides to rub its bleeding wound on things or lick it or try rubbing mud on it...something to convey that it took a 20 on its heal check to stop the bleeding.

Or maybe the Mammoth Rider Orc wakes up when his mount is attacked,slaps a cure light wounds potion in its mouth and then makes it his life long goal to hunt down the villain and stab them to death.

I posted this on Reddit but I did not get any attention beyond one post and the poster said this is a grey area.
So I thought I would try my hand here.

I understand that this might have been covered but I've spent a good while with Google fu on Reddit and Piazo boards and still not gotten a concrete answer with evidence. The FAQ just does not address a few things so here are my queries. It calls out Point blank shot and smite evil. PBS says specifically ranged weapons and a long sword isnt a ranged weapon, I get that. Smite evil is a special ability but what about other feats...

Looking at a Gestalt concept, fighter with some class that can cast telekinesis. Say level 15 and using Telekinesis to throw 15 regular long swords. We have weapon training +3, Weapon Focus and weapon specialization on long swords. Now when we use Violent thrust on those 15 blades, do you use

Violent thrust Long sword has BAB and modifiers +3(WT) +1(WF) to hit and does 1d8+3 Weapon training +2 Weapon specialization Per sword


Violent thrust Long sword has BAB and modifiers to hit and does 1d8 Per sword

Big reason for this issue is how these abilities are worded.:

Weapon Specialization adds +2 on All damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.

Weapon training says : Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.

I'm inclined to think this is correct but I am hoping that someone can either explain why I am wrong or right with some evidence on this.
My issue is with the wording of the feats and how they are worded to specifically say the word All. In the sense of specific trumps general which is unfortunately is how we have to deal with these types of issues, their is no caveat in the feat where it says it doesn't apply to damage. Unlike power attack which says in the description "The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage. "

For weapon spec. you use the weapon, you get the bonus to damage. and while the FAQ says " apply them on hit point damage only, and only once per casting or use, rather than once per attack". Using Point blank shot points out that you add +1 bonus to damage with ranged weapons (Long sword is not a ranged weapon, its a melee). It also points out that you don't add any enhancement to or on the weapon. The Arcane Strike bit we could infer that its an enhancement bonus because it makes your weapon treated as magical and is imbued with your magical essence. That and the FAQ specifies that you Enhance your melee weapon. If all the swords were all +1 swords, you don't add +1 to damage because of the enhancement bonus addressed in the FAQ but Weapon Spec. is an untyped flat bonus to damage. It's not an Enhancement, Competent, Insight, Luck Etc.. bonus. It's its own thing, and it says ALL damage with that weapon.

you are casting the spell telekinesis but you are making one attack roll per weapon (15 in this case) and only dealing the weapons damage die. The spell calls out to specify that you do not add your strength damage to the roll, but it neglects to mention any feats or bonus damage for using the weapon the character might have. If you were making one attack roll for all weapons with the one casting of the spell, I could see that you go by the ruling of casting. Its just so wonky because your are casting a spell and then making attack rolls. Just like you would for something like scorching ray, where you cast the spell and then attack with the Ray on your turn. If you had a the means to cast 2 scorching rays in one round, it would be the same thing, you cast the spell and make an attack roll for both and add whatever the spell says to damage.

But with Violent thrust it's different, and it specifically lays out what it does and what it does not allow for that use of the spell. You use your BAB + your casting modifier to hit and the weapons cause standard damage with no Strength bonus. Coming back to the Weapon Specialization: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon.

I know that this is something that came about because its beyond the scope of the core mechanic. A fighter never had the ability to cast telekinesis before ( unless they had a ring of Telekinesis) whereas now, you can play a mindsword Paladin or a Fighter with Item mastery, and this never got addressed beyond a generic errata FAQ.

On the Reddit: Gilgamesh Telekenisis thread, the common acceptance is that Deadly aim would work with this spell but with the FAQ you could argue that it applies to only 1 weapon and thus you would add +6 to damage for one sword but suffer a -6 to hit on all of your other thrown swords. That and if you addressed the idea of having improved critical: Long sword feat stacked with spell critical of the Eldritch Knight, you are 99.99% likely to crit your target with 15 attack rolls that all have a threat range of 17-20. Because again it just says when using the weapon you've selected. rust

Fuzzy says yes but has nothing to back it up, beyond saying "should work" And " I say it does"

I appreciate peoples feedback on this. I could go either way on ruling but again, I would just like a definitive answer.

Rozberry wrote:

Do you roll 1d6 twice at the start of the PC's turn and take the higher number? What if there is an enemy rogue with these monsters and hits the PC with a bleeding sneak attack, doing 3 bleed damage? Do I roll the d6s and take that roll, but only if it is >3?

Bleed is a fun subject. If bleed damage is expressed as a die roll, you roll it each round. If one monster does 1d6 bleed and the other monster does does 1d6 bleed, your only rolling 1d6 and determining the damage that way since they are both 1d6.

You could argue that since it specifies you take the worse result, then by all means roll 2d6 and choose the higher. The problem with that is that Bleed by itself doesn't stack, so a creature getting hit by 2 different creatures that deal 1d6 bleed damage each, the subject would have the bleed condition for 1d6 and couldn't sufferer from a second bleed condition also dealing 1d6.
I would argue that if you were to have the sneak attack scenario where one monster does 1d6 and the other does a flat 3; I would roll the 1d6 and treat it as a 3 if I rolled less then that on the 1d6. but again this would contradict the rules of bleed to begin with. If you suffer from bleed you need to have something that inflicts more bleed then what you currently have. you can suffer attacks that inflict 1d6 bleed all day but still only roll 1d6 per round; if something walked up and smacked you for 2d6 bleed, now your dealing with 2d6 per round and so forth.

Lastly the way bleed is worded I've adopted a less then popular interpretation. In my games Bleed damage stacks from different sources of damage types in regards to weapons. So a fighter with weapon versatility and ability to cause bleed can stack 3d6 bleed onto someone by switching their weapon around to do bleed with piercing,slashing and bludgeoning damage respectively with each attack.

Bleed is not powerful, at all. At low levels, sure but when you have 50+hp, losing 1d6 automatically 1x per round... is nothing.

All of these are very helpful and the Giant mask makes for some interesting combinations!

Thank you all for your suggestions.

So despite playing pathfinder for 5 or so years and even longer gaming with D&D 3.0-3.5, I've never played in a game where we used the standard rules for magic items and wealth. My highest PC was a lvl 13 barbarian who had a +2 Amulet of natural armor, +1 kurkri, a +2 Falchion and had a whopping 200 Platinum to his name.

. Because of this I have zero idea how to go about picking out magic gear to bump up my pc. Its kind of sad -_-

I am playing in a game where were stupid powerful and I have no idea what I should do for magic items. Current stats with adjustments are Str 16, Dex 16 , Con 20, Int 12 , Wis 17 , Cha 17 The GM said to think High fantasy and high magic like Planescape rules from back in the day.

I will be playing a druid green scourge, skinshaper. Were expanding the skinshaping to include monster physique 1 and eventually get MP 3 at level 14. Again, at a loss for what type of magic gear to get. My goal is to be strong front line combatant mixed with utility from spells. It sounds like money is mostly irrelevant; since weare just given stuff and using money to track cost of items so we all stay in the same GP range. I am working with the idea of taking the Blood Frenzy combat style because I love the flavor of it. Campaign is starting at level 1 and playing until character death or we all get bored of the game.

Thanks to all!

Also I forgot to ask

Greater magic fang spell, would it count for your morphic weapon in the sense that all of them would the bonus to hit and damage or only one of them?

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SO I am looking at the oozemorph shifter archetype. I have perused a few forums but have not come up with a solid answers. Im sorry if someone just finds a post that I blatantly missed with answers.

Here is what I am thinking and I want to get a consensus on it. say this is a 10th lvl oozemaster with 3 morphic weapons

1: Morphic weapons and feats
"An oozemorph can create a number of natural weapons to fight with from any portion of her body, regardless of her current form. "
-This doesnt specify the type of natural weapon you can make. Do you assume its anything on the list for natural weapons even though it has specific damage in the archetype with your choice of damage type? could you take a feat that required certain natural weapons such as Rending claws, and treat your morphic weapon as a"claw" natural attack?

-How does this interact with the rule of natural weapons and strength bonus to damage with Power attack?
"a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls."
Your primary attack is with your morphic weapon unless you use a manufactured weapon; then it becomes a 2ndary. you have 3 so you get 3 attacks; would you add 1.5 damage each attack because you get 3 attacks that are the same source/type?
or are the rules implying that if you had only 1 attack from 1 natural weapon you get the 1.5 bonus?

here is a example of what I am trying to figure out, A full attack action. Take a oozemorph at level 11 a strength score of 20 with multiattack, power attack, weapon focus (morphic Weapon)
BAB:11 str +5 Weapon focus +1 POwer attack -3

Morphic Weapon +17/+17/+17 1d6+5. or is it 1d6+7 from 1 natural weapon?
now add in a club:Full attack action
Club 16/11/6 1d6+6 & Morphic weapon 15/15/15 1d8+3

Say we add in power attack:
Morphic Weapon +14/+14/+14 1d6+5+6 or is it 1d6+7+9?
now add in a club:Full attack action
Club 13/8/3 1d6+6+6 & Morphic weapon 12/12/12 1d8+3+3 (or +6)
Is my math correct here?

Many thanks to responses, sorry for the poor formatting regarding links.

I have researched the forums a bit for information on these topics. I used the + advance function and still have not successfully located an answer. Kudos to anyone who finds a thread on this topic.

I have an Aasimar and used the blood of angels handbook. Replacing my spell like ability with DR 2/evil

My eidolon gains DR 1/evil for ever 2 points invested as a favored class ability replacement.

Would the DR stack for both granting DR 3/evil when fused or would the eidolon have DR 1/E until it was killed leaving and the synethist to have DR 2/E. The wording of the fused eidolon says "the two are now one creature." I know DR of the same type stacks but it is kind of a special case.

A took a 2 level dip in monk to gain Master of many styles, going with the Boar style tree. Reading a bit more I assume it's no, but while fused using the eidelons claw attacks, can you inflict bleed damage with 2 successful hits?

Absurd questions:
The summoning takes 1 minute. If say a surprised round of combat erupts during that 1 minute, who would take damage upon being hit. summoner or eidolon?

Can a synthesist walk around in fused form indefinitely? outside of role playing complications (you are a scary looking monster thing, towns folk may not like that). Do you eat, sleep etc? I imagine that the Synthesist needs to do those things but the Eidolon may not because its an outsider creature that is treated as a summoned creature. so could the eidolon continue to function while the synthesist sleeps?

Lastly, impossible hypothetical with the wording of the class but assume somehow the synthesist were to be killed while fused,without killing the eidolon; what would happen?

Here is the thought train that led up to this: since the synthesists has the mental stats, is that to imply that the eidolon does not have any mental stats of its own; and it would fall into a catatonic state (because it would have a 0 for its mental stats); Or based on the level 16 ability of split forms, would imply that the eidelon is able to function away from the synthesist could you in theory have a eidolon walking around with a corpse synthesist "inside" of it?
