zazzenfuk |
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SO I am looking at the oozemorph shifter archetype. I have perused a few forums but have not come up with a solid answers. Im sorry if someone just finds a post that I blatantly missed with answers.
Here is what I am thinking and I want to get a consensus on it. say this is a 10th lvl oozemaster with 3 morphic weapons
1: Morphic weapons and feats
"An oozemorph can create a number of natural weapons to fight with from any portion of her body, regardless of her current form. "
-This doesnt specify the type of natural weapon you can make. Do you assume its anything on the list for natural weapons even though it has specific damage in the archetype with your choice of damage type? could you take a feat that required certain natural weapons such as Rending claws, and treat your morphic weapon as a"claw" natural attack?
-How does this interact with the rule of natural weapons and strength bonus to damage with Power attack?
"a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls."
Your primary attack is with your morphic weapon unless you use a manufactured weapon; then it becomes a 2ndary. you have 3 so you get 3 attacks; would you add 1.5 damage each attack because you get 3 attacks that are the same source/type?
or are the rules implying that if you had only 1 attack from 1 natural weapon you get the 1.5 bonus?
here is a example of what I am trying to figure out, A full attack action. Take a oozemorph at level 11 a strength score of 20 with multiattack, power attack, weapon focus (morphic Weapon)
BAB:11 str +5 Weapon focus +1 POwer attack -3
Morphic Weapon +17/+17/+17 1d6+5. or is it 1d6+7 from 1 natural weapon?
now add in a club:Full attack action
Club 16/11/6 1d6+6 & Morphic weapon 15/15/15 1d8+3
Say we add in power attack:
Morphic Weapon +14/+14/+14 1d6+5+6 or is it 1d6+7+9?
now add in a club:Full attack action
Club 13/8/3 1d6+6+6 & Morphic weapon 12/12/12 1d8+3+3 (or +6)
Is my math correct here?
Many thanks to responses, sorry for the poor formatting regarding links.