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First of all here are the feat as in the ACG:


Canny Tumble (Combat)

Your acrobatic prowess distracts your foes.
Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility, Acrobatics 5 ranks.
Benefit: When you use Acrobatics to move through an
opponent’s threatened area or space without provoking
an attack of opportunity from that opponent, you gain
a +2 circumstance bonus on your next melee attack roll
against that opponent, as long as you make that attack
before the start of your next turn.

This one is weird as it seems a weaker reprint from Disorienting Maneuver in ultimate combat. The one in UC doesn't need mobility and also give a bonus to trip.


Confounding Tumble Deed (Panache)

You can befuddle a foe by striking a blow after tumbling.
Prerequisites: Amateur Swashbuckler† feat or panache†
class feature, Canny Tumble†, Acrobatics 7 ranks.
Benefit: When you use Acrobatics to move through an
opponent’s threatened area or space without provoking
an attack of opportunity from that opponent and then hit
that foe with a melee attack in the same round, as a free
action you can spend 1 panache point to deny that foe its
Dexterity bonus to its armor class until the end of your
next turn.

So it seems to be designed for rogue/slayer/ninja people, but requires a staggering 5 feat or a dip in swash and 4 feats.

Considering you have to first: tumble, Second: hit the oppnent and third: spend a panache point. All this to denie dex for a turn. It seems kinda weak. Does anyone think these feat can really be usefull?

Also, it says melee attack, if I trip the guy, does it count?

How do you go ruling the use of dirty trick when it is provided by class feature?

The dirty trick maneuver describe it as something that depend of case by case and that need to be defined by the DM.

However let's say I have a Bounty hunter (from the ACG) and get 3 dirty trick in a turn instead of sneak attack damage (2 attack + haste while flanking for example). Does he do the dirty trick with a weapon? Let's say the character makes a poor description of the action for the condition inflicted, do I still allow it? Even if his class feature give him these dirty trick? It's rasonable to expect if he gets a better score with the weapon he will always use the weapon, is this ok? why?

Ok, I had a character concept: a duelist that focus on disabling is adversary, so he can gloat aside them. I realised that the best way to go doing it is by taking a lot of multiclassing. I need advise to see if I can do something similar but simpler

so the build(20 point buy):
Take half-elf
10 16 14 8 10 14(+2 on dex)

swashbuckler: Exotic weapon proficiency(Katana),Weapon focus(Katana)
slayer, bounty hunter:
monk, master of maneuver: improved dirty trick, slashing grace(Katana)
Slayer, bounty hunter:
Slayer, bounty hunter: canny tumble
Fighter, lore master: confounding tumble deed
Fighter, lore master: greater dirty trick,quick dirty trick

The purpose of it all of course is to always be able to do dirty trick through sneak attack and stack all the possible dirty trick debuff, that way the enemy can only remove at most 2 if he does nothing.

I think I can use the weapon bonus and finesse for the dirty trick since the bounty hunter learn to do them instead of sneak attack. It might not be 100% sure by raw but I think it's an acceptable view.

I took the katana because I don't like scimitars, I do realize that a scimitar is obviously better because I trade 1 damage for 1 feat.

So, how would you have done it? Or is there any improvement you can see?

So i am attempting a guile hero, kinda like like a lot of ronin-like caracter we see in anime
I wanted something that could work in a not too hight level game and not be too useless

I chose the aldori sword because in my mind I picture it like a kind of katana. (curved, onesided blade)
I didn't want a scimitar and dervish dancer, rp wise I didn't see the char using it.

I did a basis for the character with no race in mind. I wanted to know:

Do you think this char can be viable?
What race would you take? If traits, wich one?
How would you improve it?
What would you do after level 5? (I was thinking duelist, maybe)

base stats with a 20 points buy, 5 level, no race chosen:

10 16 12 14 14 8

1 figther(lore warden) 1: finesse, Exotic weapon proficiency, saves: 2,0,0
2 fighter(lore warden) 2: weapon focus, combat expertise, saves 3,0,0
3 Monk(Maneuver master) 1: dazzling display, improved dirty trick, ac bonus(2), improved unarmed strike, saves 5,2,2
4 Monk(Maneuver master) 2: Improved trip, evasion, saves 6,3,3
5 Swordlord 1: agile maneuver, saves 7,3,4

attack: 4 + 3(finesse) + 1(focus)
damage: 1d8+3
Maneuver(with weapon): 4+3(finesse)+2(improved)+1(focus)

ac(no armor): 3(dex)+2(wis)+2(duel mastery) = 17
ac(light armor): 3(dex)+4(chain shirt)+2(duel mastery) = 19

fortitude: 7+1= 8
reflex: 3+3= 6
will: 4+2= 6

1 acrobatic,knowledge(noble),sense motive,intimidate,perform, + 1 intel skill
2 acrobatic,knowledge(noble),sense motive,intimidate,perform, + 1 intel skill
3 acrobatic,knowledge(noble),sense motive,intimidate, + 2 any skill
4 intimidate + 5 any skill
5 4 any skill

So, compared to a straight strenght fighter I lose a lot of damage (no 1.5 multiplier, no power attack) and a bit of attack.
In exchange I get a free maneuver (at -2) when I attack, a bit more skills, more saves and a bit more mobility
Agile maneuver im not sure I need, if I use my weapon to do dirty trick and trip it should only need finesse, but im not sure if they stack.
I would probably take dodge instead if I didn't need it.

Hello, I am quite new to pathfinder even if i have general knowledge of roleplaying games and of the 3.5 ruleset.

I'm planing to start a game with a dm that is a friend of mine. Its gonna be a fairly low-lvl campaign. For our character he allowed any published paizo book as long as we got a transcript of it that we can show him.

I was planing to make an angel-blooded aasimar oracle of metal. The goal is to get wings as a "capstone" of sort at lvl 11 if we make it to there. I was gonna roleplay it as someone raised by a forger and fascinated by all things metal.

I wanted some advice on the character build and especialy on feat/skills i should take or items i should look for. Heres what i was planing for now:

angel blood + angel flesh (for theme, its metal flesh after all)
angel wings

power attack
combat reflexes or maybe vital strike?

for revelation:
dance of blade
armor mastery
skills at arm
riddle of steel (for the fluff? if i dont have too many important revelation to take)

I was planing to fight with some kind of polearm (maybe a lucerne hammer? they look way cool)

While for now i'm just counting on going full oracle i was juggling with the idea to do a 2 lvl dip in paladin (forge metal to protect others maybe) and skip on the skill at arm revelation.