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![]() Is there a way I can read the adventure path PDFs in text only? I love the art and look of the APs at home but there are certain times when I would like to be reading from the adventure paths but have to be warry of people looking over my shoulder. Does anyone know of a reader I could possibly use that would strip out all of the graphics? ![]()
![]() I'm working on a new homebrew campaign setting and adventure and one of the critical elements of the game is a new character class called The Scientist. The Scientist is a spellcasting class that behaves kind of like a cross between a wizard and an alchemist. He gets to cast spells but gets fewer per day. Unlike the wizard though the scientist differs in that he is far more interested in learning about the essence of magic rather than its actual use. He wants to know what makes magic work more than what it's practical applications are. This would be represented by allowing the scientist to pretty much get free use of meta-magic feats. The scientist would also be able to create new unique spells and use alchemy. My problem is that I'm not much of a technical guy. I have pretty thoroughly explored the idea of the scientist from a story telling perspective but coming up with a rule set and all the technical details for him is extremely difficult for me. If you like this idea and consider yourself more of a technical creator then please help me out with it. I've got several scientist characters worked out as far as their background stories, personalities and behaviours but all the technical details that you would find in a stat block elude me. ![]()
![]() ok this is probably the easiest thing for most of the people on this forum but I need to roll a level 6 character. I have only ever rolled level 1 and I want to know if there are any tricks for quickly rolling up a level 6. I am far too tired right now to go thru the effort of figuring it out on my own. Someone please help me out with this. ![]()
![]() Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Good call! I've included a link to the commmunity use policy as a caption to the wallpaper image. I definitely want to be following the rules, I'm lawful good! If anyone spots anything else I'm missing let me know. Really though I am hoping someone else with more artistic talent will get excited about google's new wallpaper feature and share something a little better than what I am capable of. ![]()
![]() I have an idea for a campaign setting that is kind of a cyberpunk end of the world thing. I'd like to play it but need some rules because I don't have the time or inclination to make up my own. I love the Pathfinder rules can someone recommend something as similar to Pathfinder/3.5 as possible that will fit my needs. I'm aware of d20 future but am trying to avoid buying anything from WoTC. I'll go that route if no one has anything better though. I'm not sure if this was really the best place to post this thread but couldn't think of anything that would be better. ![]()
![]() OK I checked out cafepress's website just now and actually it looks like they may have come along since the last time I ordered from them. I'm going to take a picture of my dog and make a shirt with it from each site. Once I get them I will tell you which one seemed to have the best quality. Plus I'll have three new shirts with a picture of my dog on them! Any other POD sites I'm not aware of? I'll check them out too. I only know of spreadshirt, zazzle and cafepress. ![]()
![]() Seriously?!?! I will totally print my own custom pathfinder shirt! It'll be awesome! I think POD tshirts could work just no cafe press their stuff really is terrible, at least it was a few years ago. I own a couple shirts from spreadshirt.com that I'm pretty happy with, that might be worth giving a try. As far as zazzle, I've never ordered anything from them, I just remember not liking their site, actually I don't remember why. Pathfinder skateboards would totally rock face!!! ![]()
![]() Firstly I have this really nice Jinx Dungeons and Dragons ball cap. I liked it when I played D&D but now I feel like I'm not representing myself truthfully when I wear it. I would proudly wear some paizo swag if you sold more of a variety. Think about it, I pay you to advertise your product. Get those tshirts and hats out there!!! Oh and no cafe press please, they suck so does zazzle. Sell some quality clothes and I will buy them. They should have the pathfinder name on them. You've got a number of cool Pathfinder Society tshirts but I didn't see anything that just has the Pathfinder logo on it. Oh put out different colors too. I like to have my choice of colors. I may not want that golem tee in white but I would probably buy it in blue or black. Secondly Art is obviously an important part of the RPG world and despite the attention it does get I think that it could get more! I've had this idea in my head for a while that a how to draw line of books geared towards the fantasy roleplaying genre would be an amazing product. I'm picturing them in hardcover styled and laid out in the same manner as the rulebooks. Actually Impact puts out some cool how to books like this. I own a few of those but I would still buy them from Paizo if they have my favorite artists name on them. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I always thought the dog ate my homework excuse was nothing more than a joke until I got a dog and realised they will eat anything. Books, laptop accessories, door molding, carpet, coaxial cable, business cards, basically if it is reachable and he can get his mouth around it it's fair game. He has also eaten or attempted to eat rocks, road salt, many varieties of poop, grass, anything made of wood, dead things, bugs, seatbelts, leash, index cards, drink coaster, magazines, dnd minis, pencils, pens, computer mouse, dog toys usually last about 3 days before disapearing and then re-appearing during walks in not the same form as they were purchased, dvds, dvd boxes, wiimote, vacuum cleaner, etc, etc, etc. Actually pretty much the only thing he does not seem to like eating is dog food. ![]()
![]() My dog ate my copy of The Ship of Ishtar! I was right in the middle of it. I will be ordering a new copy and choosing the fastest shipping I can in the mean time does anyone live in the metro Detroit area that can loan me the book so I can continue reading today? I'm in agony here, not only do I want to feed my dog to some hungry goblins I can't finish this great book today as I had planned. ![]()
![]() These minis were really cool and my PCs loved them. I put together a huge goblin encounter with wave after wave of goblins! It really caught the players off guard to see the different kinds of goblins and to see so many of them. Normally I just cut out little squares and write "goblin" on them with an arrow to show which direction they are facing. This was a really great change of pace. I will definitely be ordering more paper minis products. ![]()
![]() I just downloaded the goblin paper minis and I'm just wondering if anyone has stats for them? I have the bestiary so I can look up the stats for the standard warrior and goblin dogs but how do I know the stats for the goblin warchanter, goblin commando, goblin shaman, goblin king, and goblin snake! I'm kind of an amateur DM if someone could help me out with this I'd really appreciate it. ![]()
![]() Thanks for clearing that up. I plan on having her introduce any necessary side quest or just appearing when my PCs are getting off track in order to stear them in the right direction. I'll keep them guessing though as to who she is and probably never reveal it. My players have gotten really excited about trying to discover the mystery of this character. I believe that this could be an element of the game that keeps them thinking between play sessions. ![]()
![]() My players were behind in experience points so I ran the side quest "Slay a shadow beast." I didn't bother to get too creative here and just ran it exactly as worded without any fluff. I also gave almost no details about the NPC named Bluehood. The issue is that my characters are now obsessed with Bluehood! I had thought she would just disapear into the shadows and never turn up again but the players want more and who am I to deny them. They want to know who she is. Why she would know anything about the characters. Where is she from? How did she just disapear like that? I'm excited to be able to create more detail on this NPC on my own but I'm worried that if she does come back in the actual adventure path I may have some conflicts. So my question is does Bluehood come back and if so what details would I need to know about her? ![]()
![]() zafthan wrote: I'd like to subscribe to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ongoing Subscription but I want to pass on the core rulebook since I already have a copy of that. Is there a way for me subscribe to this today and have the beastiary be the first order? Haha never mind I figured it out. Really easy too! ![]()
![]() And now from the guy who brought you the Science Insults thread, its the Science and Math Pickup lines thread. Here are a few to start us off. First two are mine the last I found thru google. Your body is like plasma, extremely hot! I think you and me could be like carbon atoms and form a very strong bond. According to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of QM, we way already be in love right now. Honey, you are sweater than 3.14 I'm not being obtuse, but you are acute girl. I wish I were a derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves. ![]()
![]() I'm collecting science insults. Since we're mostly all gamers (and thus smarter than average) on this forum I thought this would be a great place for finding science related insults. Please share your science related insults. I'm looking for insults similar to the following. What do your butt and Jupiter have in common? They are both gas giants! Your like a black hole, your extremely dense! Your so stupid that during math class you tried to eat Pi. ![]()
![]() Ha I'll order $100 worth of stuff if I can get my wife to agree with it. Thanks for the very descriptive answer, I have lately become a pretty big fan of paizo and really want to support you guys. I will keep this information in mind and try and just deal with the cost of shipping. I'll also work on making large orders :) ![]()
![]() Is there a way to save on shipping? Like if I order more than $X.XX worth of stuff is there an option that would wave my shipping costs? I feel like the costs for shipping within the USA are high compared to other web sites that I order from. I have canceled my order a few times now because I get to checkout and see the price after shipping. ![]()
![]() I would like to sign up for the Pathfinder RPG subscription but I already have a copy of the core rulebook and paid for the PDF seperately. Is it possible that I could sign up for that subscription today but have it hold off on sending me anything until it is time for the beastiary? I'm going to ask my players if they would want to buy the extra core rulebook from me but for now I'm assuming they do not want it (they also all have PDFs) ![]()
![]() LeiberFan wrote:
I really like this idea and I feel silly for not coming up with it on my own. This is how I name my locations, I will typically come up with a generic description in German and then alter the word or phrase to make it sound more unique. For example a city located in the northernmost section of my map I would say something like, "nördlichste Stadt" then shorten it to Noradt. All my cities are named in this way. It never occurred to me to name my NPCs using the same technique. ![]()
![]() Hello all! I'm new to the paizo world! I'd like to know what is the best way to get started, I own none of the products. My friends and I have been playing through a 4th edition d&d campaign and we pretty much can't stand it. We have been talking about going back to 3.5 or starting a completely different RPG. I stumbled upon paizo read the FAQ and now I'm pretty fired up about the new game coming out. I'd like to get in now though. I also need to get my group excited about the game so I'd like to purchase something to show them. Also noticed that board games are sold through this site, could someone please recommend a family friendly board game that can be played through in a couple hours. |