
zafthan's page

Organized Play Member. 40 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

Sovereign Court

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My players were behind in experience points so I ran the side quest "Slay a shadow beast." I didn't bother to get too creative here and just ran it exactly as worded without any fluff. I also gave almost no details about the NPC named Bluehood. The issue is that my characters are now obsessed with Bluehood! I had thought she would just disapear into the shadows and never turn up again but the players want more and who am I to deny them. They want to know who she is. Why she would know anything about the characters. Where is she from? How did she just disapear like that? I'm excited to be able to create more detail on this NPC on my own but I'm worried that if she does come back in the actual adventure path I may have some conflicts. So my question is does Bluehood come back and if so what details would I need to know about her?