
zWolf's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 59 posts (60 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

The Exchange

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Gary Teter wrote:

Currently it's one player per browser window. You can open two separate windows into the same scene and sign in as different players, we do that for testing. I don't know how well that would work in an actual game, sharing keyboard etc.

Each player can control multiple tokens, and there can be multiple GMs active simultaneously, though that gets a bit weird during combat.

I use a similar set up at my home game, (other VTT of course, seeing as how you won't let me use your's... yet. :-P )

How I got around the 'keyboard / mouse' thing was 3 Wireless Mice and a wireless Keyboard that can get passed about. The players all use those input devices on one 'account' to move their tokens, on the map etc.

I am logged into my 'GM' account and run the game, the 'player account' is the client that displays up on the big TV.

It works pretty good. and would allow for a remote player to participate in the game as well.

Wireless fixes everything... (I exaggerate, but it certainly works for our needs.)