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I want to say thank you to Joey and Askar for their amazing work on this I've been using both of your rebuilds since book 3. Our group is now about halfway through book 6!

I have 2 questions though, as I like to make sure things are kosher rules wise as I look over them. I like idea of Dear Grandma's shop but how is she selling potions of up to 8th level? I'm worried that super easy access to the spells and buffs she has as potions (mindblank, legendary proportions etc) might make some stuff too easy.

The other is about Khalib's stat block. His AC is listed as 43 when he's all buffed out it's listed that he has +17 natural armor, +7 from ironskin, +8 from FotD III = +15. Is there an ability or something I'm not seeing? My parties attack bonuses start to hit a wall around the 42+ range and I don't want to stonewall them if I can't account for the stats.