
ylvglo's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. 2 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


I seem to be having the same/a similar problem. Pathfinder advantage isn't being applied to anything I add to my shopping cart.

I tried following the link, but I get the "The file doesn't exist" message. I'd really like to check out the sheet, so if you could make a new link it would be really great^^

This looks interesting. I only gave it a quick glance now, but I'm definitely coming back to give it a more throughout look later.

So far I've kept my players one level under where they're supposed to be at (I don't give them exp I just tell them when they can level up) which usually works fine as the group is usually at 6 players (sometimes more) and I'm way too nice, was quite the challenge the last couple of sessions though when I only had three players. They did prevail though, barely (I was nice).