yardswimmer's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 9 Organized Play characters.


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Tyler Beck wrote:
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:
Keith Richmond wrote:

I look forward to having fun with folks at PaizoCon, both playing games and just chatting.

Does this mean we will not get any more core sets ever? :(

That will make me very sad. I was hoping for an Extinction Curse game eventually.

Unfortunately, that is my understanding. Trust me, you're not the only one who's disappointed with this result, but we will make the best of the situation!

That would be disappointing if that is the case. Not sure why they did the core game revamp then. Guess it must not have made that much money, but it seemed like it did well though. Would like to see Paizo give an official update on how this announcement effects the physical product if at all.

JohnF wrote:

I actually see tying unlocking the new decks to reporting games as being counterproductive if the goal is to get more people to report their games.

Most people who aren't reporting their games aren't going to care - they'll just use the new character options anyway, and continue to not report their games. The only people who will be annoyed by the restriction are people who are already reporting games now.

Some of us would be happy to report more of our games, but can't do so because we're not adhering 100% to the rules of Organized Play. I'll give you a couple of examples:

  • My wife and I would like to play PACGG more often than we do, but we have problems finding other long-term players in our area. It took us three attempts, finding new players, before we got a group that stayed together long enough to play through the whole of SotS. Our current (SoPT) group can only meet once every two weeks, and we're already having problems with players dropping out (and new players wanting to start at the beginning). This means that my wife and I will play through some storylines (SotG, for one) ourselves. But our preference is for four-character tables, so we play two characters each. We could report four-character tables if we were playing in solo mode (one real OP character and three pregens), but not tables with two reportable characters. So we simply play the scenarios the way we like, but can't report them.
  • Other groups (including those of at least one other contributor to this thread) like to adjust the difficulty, typically looking for more of a challenge. you can't do that in OP either, so that's another set of games that are going unreported.

The best way to get more games reported is to put less restrictions on what counts as a reportable game, not to add yet another limitation.

This, exactly this! Also I have heard it is just annoying to have to type it out. I have never hosted a session so the one that does usually will try to post it but doesn't do it too often since it is an annoyance. From what I can gather make it easier to fill out by allowing you to copy details from previous reported playthroughs. I also agree with getting rid of certain restrictions. Why constrain one player to only playing one character to report? The only reason I see is due to other people in the group but if everyone is fine with it then it should be allowed to be reported on.

In programming there is no such thing as a truly random number. Everything has to be seeded with something and you can make it a really huge number with tons of values like the date and time out to the millionth of a second but even then it isn't truly random but just seems that way. That isn't to say the developers can't or shouldn't do something if there is an issue. Another option is going kind of against using a tablet but to roll your own dice and input the result. The app can still tell you how many of which kind of dice to roll and then the user can input the roll results. Obviously there should an option of which way the user wants to go by either inputting the result or rolling the dice on the screen. This will allow any skeptics to use their own dice if they don't trust the app rolling the dice. This will allow for cheating but then you are just hurting yourself anyways and you can cheat in the card game with rolls as well so I don't see it taking anything away from that standpoint. But Keith is correct where people mostly remember negative outliers more than anything even positive outliers. To be able to tell if anything is random enough you will have to do hundreds of rolls in different situations to see if there is a pattern or not. Unfortunately a handful of results isn't enough results to make that determination.

I think in the top left there is a button or something to indicate if you are logged in if you click it.

Looks like you can download it now a bit early. At least on iTunes in the US.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Andrew L Klein wrote:
yardswimmer wrote:
I have a question on Steal Soul. In this post it makes it sound like the character who defeated the monster gets the bonus die but the card says the character who played Steal Soul gets the die. Which is the correct way? Just want to check if this needed errata.
Mechanically I'd say the caster. They have the power to take a soul, not the gunslinger.
The card is correct—I adjusted the blog.

Thanks Vic!

Yea that does make sense.

I have a question on Steal Soul. In this post it makes it sound like the character who defeated the monster gets the bonus die but the card says the character who played Steal Soul gets the die. Which is the correct way? Just want to check if this needed errata.

Ah sorry I missed that part. Thanks.

When reading this card and the post on Adventure Deck 2 makes me think this card has an error on it. Should it say "a bane that has the Army trait" instead of "a barrier that has the Army trait"?

Thanks for your response Vic but I got it to work. Not sure what happened.

I can't really speak towards what has changed but I can try to explain how it is now so maybe that can help you out. I know the old design had a miscellaneous section which I can't imagine was to useful since I thought I read there was an issue with putting sleeved cards in there. What they have now are five columns. Four are for your cards and the fifth has a dice try and a place for your character decks. I think the previous had the character decks facing the same direction as the cards you grouped together in the columns. That has changed to where the character decks are facing the edge side of cards which is probably how they got it to work to have four columns of cards. I hope this helps some as I know I probably butchered the description of it.

This will not download correctly.