Amwyr Yuseifah

xiahoudas's page

RPG Superstar 8 Season Dedicated Voter. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Dedicated Voter Season 8

The Alchemists Retort was my favorite

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Arroweater Shield
Aura strong conjuration, moderate abjuration; CL 17th
Slot Shield; Price 44,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.

This arrow catching shield appears to be covered with a black oily liquid on the blocking surface. Both the {i] arrow catching[/i] and arrow eating effects are activated with the same command word, and when this shield is struck by a projectile or thrown object the object passes through one end of a gate spell and is teleported to an undefined point, which destroys the projectile once it has been completely absorbed by this shield.

If the shield's effect is activated and and extradimensional space, such as a bag of holding or portable hole, is opened within 20 feet of the arroweater shield, or another activated arroweater shield is brought within 20 feet of another activated arroweater shield, the unstable magic in this item hijacks the magic in the extradimensional space and creates a two way portal. Solid objects placed in the extradimensional space pass out of the arroweater shield, and projectiles striking the shield pass out of the opening to the extradimensional space or the face of the other shield. While this effect is active,the extradimensional space cannot be closed, and this shield cannot be deactivated until one of them is moved further than 20 feet from each other.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor,entropic shield, gate; Cost 22,000 gp

When I came up with this I had an image of Merisiel going all Ozzy Smith on a ballista bolt.

Dedicated Voter Season 8

I'm seeing a lot of color changing stones on rings. Mood rings must be the fad this year in Golarion

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:

Two wedding items up against one another!

Surely this helps someone know their item is in the mix.

I've counted three wedding items so far

Dedicated Voter Season 8

8 hours of voting in for me and I still haven't seen my entry. Grrr.

Also, I can't help but get the feeling that I have seen some of these items in some older video games that I've played

Dedicated Voter Season 8

and now my second one

Dedicated Voter Season 8

Just saw my first repurposed wonderous item

Dedicated Voter Season 8

I know the voting faq says I won't see the same item very often, but there is this one rod that's come up for me like 5 times now.

Dedicated Voter Season 8

It's my first time, too. I wasn't going to, but I decided that I had nothing to lose by entering.