
xenoterracide's page

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I’ve been contemplating creating a character inspired by Ash from *Alien*. Initially, I thought an Envoy would be a good fit since I wanted a character who didn't focus on magic or combat. However, I later realized that androids have significant penalties to Charisma and skills, which led me to reconsider.

After exploring other options, I found that in *Starfinder* 1st Edition, both the Technomancer and Mechanic are core classes, similar to the Advanced Player’s Guide (APG) in Pathfinder. For *Starfinder*’s equivalent to the APG, there’s the Biohacker. In Pathfinder, there are 17 core classes spread between the Core Rulebook and the APG.

Although it might be ambitious, I observed that the playtest features one class per attribute. Historically, there were three Intelligence-based classes, suggesting it could be useful to aim for 18 classes between the Core Rulebook and the new Character Operations Manual (COM), with three classes for each attribute. This may seem like a stretch, but having one magical and one non-magical option for each primary attribute—totaling 14 classes—seems reasonable. This would mean keeping the original 10 classes and adding 4 more. Perhaps the original 10 could even be included in the core book.

I haven’t suggested specific classes for the additional 4 yet, as I'm not deeply familiar with the existing options at the time of this post. I might update this post once I identify other concept gaps.

While you could change the name of this Pathfinder 2 ancestry it seems like a weird exclusion. Maybe I want to play R2-D2 or IG-11 like characters. I imagine there will be many many new ancestories released over time but this one feels kind of core to a Sci-Fi experience.

I've just been skimming the play test book and have never played starfinder before. Looking at the backgrounds provided "bounty Hunter" seems like it's probably an obvious omission. It feels like it fits in the same vein as smuggler.