
xenoterracide's page

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> Trained in Computers represents a character with basic hacking and programming skills as well as probably a college level proficiency with computerized research

yeah. I've seen this in other RPGs, they explicitly spelled out that no proficiency didn't mean you couldn't do it e.g. "drive (automobiles)". What it meant for something like a chase or another under stress situation it was going to be hard because you really aren't that good at it. You shouldn't be doing any kind of racing, even street racing.

The number of people I know that can barely make things work... and I'm always astonished at how little they know about their own phone, or features of software they use daily. Your browser prompts you to log into it and save your passwords! why?!!!!

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Yeah, I kind of assume the same. Since it was omitted though I feel like maybe I should say something to make certain it's not completely overlooked accidentally.