Wow, that's crazy. I logged in here to ask the very same question. We beat that scenario right around when the OP posted this! According to the text on the card, it seemed like any card, but conceptually that made no sense to us (how can you redeem something you don't have, or don't even know exists?), so we went with cards that we possessed at the end of the scenario. We would definitely change our minds, however, if it turned out we could pick any card listed on the Redemption card.
First off, I want to say that I love Combat Manager and it has made my life as a GM so much easier - so thanks for all your hard work!
Posting here because I, too, have had troubles opening Combat Manager on my iPad mini since I updated to iOS version 8.02. I was wondering if this was a known issue and an update is in the works, or if reinstalling Combat Manager would help. I'm hesitant to do this, since it seems I'd lose all my files that I've saved over almost two chapters of Rise of the Runelords and a couple of modules. Any advice or insight would be very welcome!
We have been playing under A, and we actually won once (two players only)!! Very lucky, I guess =] Glad to here that we can do D from now on. Thanks for asking the question, OP, and the clarification, paizo guys! <3
So, Lem gets to pick his favored card type. Is this choice permanent from character creation onward, or does he choose it at the start of each scenario?
Full Name |
Grick The Undying Toebiter |
Race |
Kobold/Armor 2/ 14 HP left of 22 HP/ S 12 D 13 (+1) Con 16 (+2) Int 9 Wis 18 (+3) Char 8 (-1) |
Classes/Levels |
Shaman Lvl 4 XP 6 Scroll of Mass Teleportation/ Reinforced Kobold Armor & Braces |
Strength |
12 |
Dexterity |
13 |
Constitution |
15 |
Intelligence |
9 |
Wisdom |
16 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Grick Toebiter
S 12
D 13 (+1)
Con 16 (+2)
Int 9
Wis 18 (+3)
Char 8 (-1)
Marlok the clan priest (spirit of mending) Healing
Azder the clan channeler (spirit of lightening) Lightning
Padler the clan trickster (spirit of small illusions) just a suggestion, I'm thinking he can alter the appearance of himself or one of his clan mates so they can blend into the background as long as they aren't moving..."What kobold? I don't see a kobold, I only see a rock"
Felix totem - given to Hegh
Priest totem - roll damage twice when strike from stealth
sPiriT PacT
You have made a pact with the spirit realm, allowing you to create up to 3 Worldly Spirit Totems. Describe what your totems look like. Are they wooden statues? Hex dolls or symbols carved from bone? Maybe they’re ceremonial masks or the skulls of fallen enemies? You have your own methods, but you always take great pride in crafting totems worthy of the spirits they hold.
Totem Appearance: ____________________________________________________
ToTem creaTion
When you spend uninterrupted time (an hour or so) creating a new totem, you can bind any Worldly Spirit on the list, or others the GM tells you about (which may be tied to a location or event). You cannot bind more spirits than your pact allows, you must choose one to release first. Each totem starts with 1 Charge. Saying the spirit's name will release it and consume a Charge. When a totem runs out of Charges, the totem shatters and the spirit cannot return.
sPiriT TalK
When you say the name of a spirit bound to a totem you've made, instead of consuming a Charge, you can roll +WIS. ✴On a 10+, the spirit is successfully released and it returns to the totem afterwards. ✴On a 7-9, the spirit is released but choose one:
• You draw unwelcome attention or put yourself in a spot. The GM will tell you how.
• Your reputation in the spirit realm is damaged. Take -1 Ongoing to Spirit Talk until you have about an hour to perform a ceremony honoring the spirits.
• A Charge on the totem is still consumed.
sPiriT caTcher
When you witness a creature die, you can bind its spirit to a special totem you carry, roll +WIS. ✴On a 10+, the spirit is captured. The GM will tell you what happens when you release the spirit. The effect is something supernatural and associated with the spirit's nature or greatest desire in life. Your Spirit Catcher totem does not have Charges and can be released freely, but the spirit must move on after it is used (Spirit Talking does not work). You can only ever have one Spirit Catcher totem. ✴On a 7-9, the GM will also tell you a complication, such as: • The spirit is unpredictable
• There’s an additional undesirable effect
• The spirit is restless and must be used within a certain amount of time
When you Discern Realities, you can also ask: What do the spirits whisper here?
⃞ chain lighTning
When you release a Lightning Spirit, it can jump to an additional nearby target. Roll an additional 1d6. You can decide which damage die affects which target.
⃞ Wise counsel
When you show someone the wiser path, you can Parley with WIS instead of CHA.
⃞ WeB of WhisPers
Whisper Wind spirits no longer count towards your totem limit. Anyone that whispers into a Whisper Wind totem can be heard from all other Whisper Wind totems you’ve made.
⃞ Wandering sPiriT
Your Spirit Pact allows for 1 additional Worldly Spirit Totem, but the spirit realm decides what spirit is bound. When you craft this totem, the GM will tell you which Worldly Spirit to use (and it's likely one you haven't used much or at all).
⃞ ancesTral healing
You call upon your ancestors to act as Spirits of Mending. When you release a Spirit of Mending to heal an ally, add your level to the amount healed.
⃞ séance
Your connection to the spirit realm grows stronger. You can now use Spirit Talk when releasing your Spirit Catcher totem as if it were a normal totem.
⃞ inciTer
When you Spirit Talk, on a 10+ you can still choose from the 7-9 list. If you do, the spirit's effects double in power or the number of targets doubles (choose one).
⃞ ToTemic defense
When you take damage, say the name of one of the spirits you have bound. The spirit blocks the damage, but its totem is destroyed.
⃞ sPiriT guide
Your Spirit Pact allows for 1 additional Worldly Spirit Totem, but it must be given to and used by someone else. Attempting to use it yourself is in violation of your pact and the spirit realm will seek retribution.
⃞ vision quesT
When you spend the night alone in nature and consume a vision enhancing substance (such as ghostroot or dreamcap), the spirits will offer you guidance. Tell them something that troubles you. They will do their best to bestow wisdom. Take +1 Forward when acting on the problem.