Dr Lucky

Dungeonmeister's page

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I've been testing trial and demo versions of Hero Lab and RPGXplorer for some times now in order to determine which program is the best suited for editing the characters of my 3.5 campaign.
But now i'm facing a huge problem: I cannot find any datasets containning additionnal material such as Complete Warrior, Arcane etc.
Do both programs are running only with player handbook, Dungeon master guiter and monster manual in which case I don't find interest in them anymore.
Thanks for your replys guys!

Pathfinder is a great idea et we've tested some of the game mechanics this very afternoon. Works great.

Here's the point:
Etools was a great tool to use with the new 3.0 and 3.5 rules. Now it's over.
Is there something cooking similar to Etools for Pathfinder or best a Pathfinder edition? Some help to design a character and especially a powerful NPC is always truly appreciated.

Wish you the best, Jason.