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I thought I would give this thread a few days to get a large variety of responses I'm only scratching this information that is flooded this thread and can't be more happy about this. A lot of great information and a few ideas that I have attempted in the past with little success but for the most part I do agree with limiting the builds a bit more to slow down the min maxer.

I always suggest to my players to build a character not a stat block someone with personality that if their life is to slip away in the heat of battle it actually chills you. Some of you have seemed confused on how my Mr. MinMax got his STR so high. He did take Angelic Bloodline after dumping his WIS giving an additional 3 pt buy to his already 20. From there he stacked his pt but in STR giving it 18, then angelkin +2, in a campaign setting that is sold on paizo (I forget exactly which book) it gives an addition +2 STR making the a 22. Now that still isn't a 25 however if before you fully apply your point buy and you dump addition stats down to 8 like DEX and CHA then you can apply those points before you assign the +4 STR giving it a total of 24. Now you have the level 4 attribute boost making that now a 25 without superseding your point buy.

So my answer to that will now be these characters will have to be built at the table and all initial bonuses has to be assigned before the point buy is assigned. In short I think not making sure the mechanic is put in properly is what has thrown my problem into the place it is. I'm going to continue reading through these suggestions and overall teachings that you have posted up to better my skilled behind the screen and once again you folks have helped me out tremendously in seeing not only my faults as GM but also shared so great tactics to keep the game fun.

Thanks again you guys are life saves.

So I have always ran my games with a 20 pt buy and have had very little trouble keeping appropriate CR levels challenging for my players. Recently one of my players has purchased basically every book on Hero Lab and has been bringing character with usually high stats. At first I thought he had cheated his point buy but upon inspection his point buy has been met fairly. As an example he is bring a STR 25 character to the table before his rage effect hits with his race being Asamir. Now the math works out when you add in his heritage bloodline adding an additional +2 to his STR and his dump stat of Wisdom being a 7 in total.

I suppose what I am asking is does anyone else feel these supplements are beginning to unbalance the CR system? The five man I have are at level 7 average so my usual CR is 8 for a easy and 9 for standard. However 90% of the time my sessions are ending with many players displeased that they didn't get a chance to land a blow. My answer was to add special circumstances to make the battles have a kinda puzzle to be able to defeat the boss. This tactic isn't a very every fight useable situation as it will get played out.

So what are some suggestions from the community to make these games more enjoyable while at the same time not limiting the creation of characters. I feel it may be nigh impossible to meet proper CR expectations for proper leveling without limiting books or shopping monster in the CR 12 level and just adjusting the leveling speed from medium to slow. Now that I know will upset the group and set them back to level 6 and this group I have been running for over two solid years and this is our third campaign so I really don't want them to feel robbed. Any suggestions?

Thanks guys that is what I was thinking and reading as well thank you.

Celestial Armor
Aura faint transmutation [good]; CL 5th; Weight 20 lbs.; Price 22,400 gp


This +3 chainmail is so fine and light that it can be worn under normal clothing without betraying its presence. It has a maximum Dexterity bonus of +8, an armor check penalty of –2, and an arcane spell failure chance of 15%. It is considered light armor and allows the wearer to use fly on command (as the spell) once per day.


Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fly, creator must be good; Cost 11,350 gp

One of my players has raised the question saying this stacks in Hero Lab while to the best of my knowledge no wearable armor stacks.


I know that an Anti-Paladin's Touch of Corruption is a special ability but can the feat Spell Reach be put to use with it? My general assumption is no but why not ask the knowledgeable gamers here.

Thanks that is a big help.

Recently in the campaign I am running my group has come across a very talented Alchemist and Wizard who created them (yes I know not truly a plausible creation) character specific Vials of Resurrection. They recently had to use this among Devils, Demons, and Deamons now I am considering the possibility of the corruption of their souls and what the proper will and or fort saves would be to resist this. I have also considered having them slowly turn undead if those saves are not made instead either way giving the party members something to hide from the rest of the group. So any advice on a good system to use to make this a slow transformation or can anyone point me in the right direction when looking into this type of thing?


If a creature is immune to crit hits does the normal damage still apply and the hit go through or does the immunity stop the attack.

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Legowaffles wrote:
Jeff Merola wrote:
Immunity to Magic means that it's immune to spells (and SLAs) that allow spell resistance. It does nothing against most magic weapons, and spells like Acid Arrow still work normally.
Do you have a link for this information? I always believed Immunity to Magic was just that: Immunity to Magic.

Stone Gollem

Jeff Merola wrote:
A single CR 11 against that group is an easy fight. If you want to challenge them, try to aim for something closer to CR 13 or 14 (or even 15, depending on optimization level).

I will definitely do that I seem to have a habit at these high levels at under or overestimating them and with this being a devil/demon based theme mainly sometimes it seems CRs don't add up the way they should.

That Crazy Alchemist wrote:
Easiest thing to do is treat creatures with magic immunity as having Spell Resistance: Infinity. Any time a spell resistance check would be rolled the creature automatically succeeds. Simple as that.

Thanks that is a great way to look at it.

I see where it says that but it seems like that doesn't really give it a good difficult CR 11 rating. I was thinking of taking it to the next step and just make him immune to magic unless those spells are cast then making them have the affect as indicated. If I do decide to do this do you feel like I should adjust the CR or am I just not being creative enough with the strategy in which to use him.

My group is a group of 6 PCs (1 NPC Cohort & 2 Companions) at level 10 with a 20 pt buy.

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I am about to use a Stone Golem and it has an Immunity to magic does this mean that magic and enchanted or channeled weapons do not affect the Golem aside from the actual weapon damage? I am assuming that it wouldn't negate the weapon damage.

Thanks for the help. This community is amazing.

Ok guys I would like to ask a question can you stack the effects of lunge and cleave together in a full round standard action?

Also wanted to say I have found some awesome ideas for crafting terrain and detailed props for my game and have really improved the level of fun me and my players have.

Thanks again for the advice and rule checks we as a group have posted through out these forums you guys are amazing.

Suthainn wrote:

I like the look of a lot of the Ultimate Campaign stuff but in the end having played through 80% of the AP before it came out we decided to stick with the system and rules we had used so far. Since you're getting a chance to try it out much earlier I'd say go for it, think of BP a little bit like magic items, you 'sell' it (redeem for gold) at half actual value, but if you use them as intended (building, bribing, throwing lavish parties, etc) then you get full value. So whilst 1 BP = 4000 for most things, the sale value is half market value (i.e.; 2k), with a brief look over the costs they seem about 90% similar, as such I'd stick with the 4k figure for building.

That was my take on it and I don't want to limit them to AP when the build can become so custom on Inn and such. One of the reasons my group moved so quick was I had a percentile for a complete greenbelt map to be in a very very hidden location under heavy bandit control and wouldn't you know it our Wizard charmed a bandit and he fetched it right up. The percentile was set at 100 for the map to exist at that.

I plan to use BP just seems a little less for the group to have to track in the ways of numbers and I may look deeper into conversion for Ultimate Campaign buildings to use BP if I come up with a more precise system I'll post it up.

One last note I'm running this campaign to introduce a few new players into a more in depth aspect of the game for our local game shop and I as well am looking forward for this thing to travel into the years of play time mark. Got to love sandbox settings.

Thanks man I really like the Hargulka Kingdom idea.

I've been running a Kingmaker AP now for about five weeks and we have just got to book two. Now I thought surely my group would not dig that slow of a pace in the first few weeks but they seem to have really enjoyed a slower pace. One thing I did to finish off the first book was made the Stag Lord run a very very fast pace fight allowing only a few seconds to a min before introducing the next fight. This really made the group think of quick tactics and taught one of our casters to keep away from melee. So now book 2 is about to begin and the first order will of coarse be the beginning of the build of the city. I bought the Ultimate Campaign book and was thinking to use buildings in this book I will need a conversion guide. Since a deposit in the treasury of 4,000GP is 1 BP and withdrawal of 1 BP is equal to 2,000GP I was thinking of using a 2,000GP = 1 BP.

So in the end I'm asking if this system worked for anyone else of if there were any other conversions I should consider. Thanks.

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lifeless wrote:
ok lets say my last session didn't go so well and I find my self on the 1st layer of hell i'm a 14th lvl paladin and i'm naked....any help would be great><>

All I can say is quit making the GM mad lol