wolfwing's page

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Okay this is going to be a bit of a muzzleful, but I'm curious what my best options are for this or what even matters here.

The idea is I'm a kitsune kiyuubi monk, with feral shifter druid.

The combat idea is, at start of combat, while in leopard/tiger form perform a charge attack going into flurry of blows, and ending with invisability, the idea being try to take out the leader of enemies and if I can't position myself next round for another attack.

Using the kiyuubi ability to use spell like abilities during a flurry of blows, and the kiyuubi maigic tail ability invisiability.

I am thinking of taking combat concentration for this but anything else that matters?

Also if I've started the round invisible and do the charge, does the invisability at the end of that flurry of blows cause an attack of oportunity.

Any suggestions for good feats for wildshape other then the ones I mentioned.

pauljathome wrote:
wolfwing wrote:
pauljathome wrote:
wolfwing wrote:
ooops sory I found the forum choices a bit confusing, how do I get this moved? :>
Flag it asking it to be moved (I already did that so I don't think you neex ti)
Thanks :> I love druids, and shapeshifting, so was just trying to think of a way to really go all in on it, was thinking monk might help a bit with the survivability due to AC bonuses and such they get.

very definitely. Druid/monk or druid/barbarian builds are very popular in the non gestalt world. You might want to check out various wild shape guides and adapt their ideas to gestalt.

Shapeshifter/druid could also be really good, especially at the lower levels before druid wild shape really comes on line.

Thanks, and thats what greater shapeshifting is for, lets me have a early animal form, and also explains some of why the char is the way they are. Looking through the druid spells there are some nice one, then add in some wizard spells and kitsune magick like invisability could make for a interesting char.

pauljathome wrote:
wolfwing wrote:
ooops sory I found the forum choices a bit confusing, how do I get this moved? :>
Flag it asking it to be moved (I already did that so I don't think you neex ti)

Thanks :> I love druids, and shapeshifting, so was just trying to think of a way to really go all in on it, was thinking monk might help a bit with the survivability due to AC bonuses and such they get.

ooops sory I found the forum choices a bit confusing, how do I get this moved? :>

Any suggestions? I have the basic idea of it going with.

Race: Kitsune with greater shapeshifting

Classes Monk Kyuubi/druid feral shifter

Want to go with a wildshape/animal focus with my char and just go all in on spending most of the time with animals.

Feats I have/have planned are: Feral combat, natural spell, wild speach.

traits: beast of the society , and heavy hitter.

Not sure what else to do with for feats or other features that might work.