wmullen's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 112 Organized Play characters.

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I understand that some things must be made illegal for Pathfinder society organised play. Crafting items would slow down play at limited time events, Leadership can make a character too powerful for that character's level. However, some items declared illegal do neither and to track them down is awkward. For example, there are a WHOLE LOT of traits that are illegal. What level of complexity does Adopted add to the game. It simply allows a character to get a racial trait not offered in her race. Or Catfolk and their racial archtypes are illegal when other races from the same section of the Advanced Races Guide are accepted.

I was able to track down a googe doc that lists all the illegal, Races, Archtypes, etc. anmd find that one of my characters has an illegal trait. Now I need to figure out how to rectify the situation. Not easy when I do not have a list of what IS LEGAL.

So back to my original question. Why make so many things illegal if they are not slowing the game or otherwise causing an inbalance?