Vestrial wrote:
wkndwor13 wrote:
I am the DM of a game where a character is playing a Teifling rogue with the claws racial ability. They want to purchase a "ring of magic fang" or equivalent item. I have seen some posts theorizing that animals could use such items, but my question is how much would a ring or collar of magic fang cost? What about a ring or collar of greater magic fang? I know they can get a permanency spell cast on them, but I would rather they had a magic item.
Would the caster have to decide what attack it affected (for instance a ring of magic fang-claws) or would the wearer decide in some fashion?
Is it broken to allow the PC to use equivalent magic abilities for weapons instead of just a ring of magic fang (so allowing them to get a +1 flaming ring that gives one of their natural attacks +1 and flaming, for instance). In this case I was thinking about just costing it the same as a +2 weapon would cost and being done with it.
Thanks for the feedback!
For just one natural weapon, I would do as you suggest and price it as the equivalent weapon (maybe add a bit of a bump to the cost as there are some advantages, but I wouldn't go crazy).
Otherwise just make it a ring of mighty fists, there's no reason that will break your game.
Ya I think I like this answer best. I don't think I will let the PC do flaming or anything like that, but I think 2000gp for a ring of magic fang to get +1 to one claw attack is pretty fair. If they want to do flaming, etc then go the route of Amulet.
Kazaan, thanks for doing the math, but I think I will just compare it to a +1 weapon instead of a use activated item.
Thanks everyone for the input.