Elegy's page

18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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For determining in-character what is evil, the official rules of alignment are here on the PRD - just in case you are not familiar with the by-the-book rules. That said, what matters for you is how your group and your GM interprets those rules (both from what your current alignment is and how quickly alignment changes), and if there is a serious dispute between your PC and the paladin.

I hope that the current discussion in this thread convinces you that alignment sees a great deal of variance from table to table and group to group. It sounds like you are in a group where area of effect damage spells will be a liability at times, while in other groups you would fit in with no issues (as long as you didn't accidentally include the other PCs in the area of your fireballs).

I second ub3r n3rd's suggestion of talking with your group to see if you are overdoing the chaotic moments - they might also have ideas on how your PC might be better able to respond to these events. If everyone in your group is having fun with your PC, then everything is fine and you only have to change if you want to. If your PC is making the game less fun for the others, you might need to tone it down. Either way, you could also ask them for ideas on how your PC could deal with these situations in the future to be less disruptive.

Humbly yours,

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Thalandar wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Thalandar wrote:

Cannabialism (which in a fanatasy world means eating of the flesh/drink blood of a intelligent creature).

Is eating the following considered Evil:

- Red Dragon Ribs in Honey and Chilli Glaze
- Cutlet from an awakened Dire Boar that evil druid used to keep around
- shish-kebabs from those talking dinosaurs that tried to eat us alive the other day on Castrovel

Just curious.

imho, yes, those all count as cannibialism in a fantasy world, and I as a Game Master would rule eating them as an evil act

I now picture an adventure where citizens are turning evil due to (unknowingly) eating the flesh of awakened animals served by the evil meat-packing industry. And those who die in such a state are coming back as ghouls, due to the cannibalism.

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Ryan Dancey wrote:

What I would really like to see some crowdpower on is ideas for rewards that are not directly related to the game itself. We are already putting everything into it we possibly can so we can't promise more in-game type stuff (we have lots of stretch goals that have those kinds of things but we need to get the million in the bag first).

A question on this - does this mean you don't want proposals for extra features in the game that would take a lot of work (like having three more races ready for the open enrollment launch) or that you don't want proposals that may (at least from my limited understanding) not include as much change to the actual game.

I had an idea for a pledge level where someone could provide art direction for Wayne Reynolds or another top artist to work up their character for a loading screen, probably with signature of the artist and contributor, but wanted some direction on if this is feasible as a reward or not.

Now I'll go back to hiding from Ryan's death eye-lasers over the goblin plushie suggestion, since they are physical products :)