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Our Price: $29.99

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I was part of the Kickstarter for this, and it was worth every penny I paid. There is a lot of info for development of established races, along with some great additions, my favorite being the Dragon Kin. Lots of individualized feats and archetypes for every race. The new races are well balanced with options for GM's to re-balance if they want. For the Buyers information, there are references to other Kobold Press books like Deep Magic and New Paths Compendium. These are not necessary to own to use the book, but it does expand some options for those books.

Our Price: $5.99

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Everything I wanted


This is the perfect book if you always wanted to play an Angel or Good Outsider from 1-20.

First the bad, there are a few editing mistakes, nothing horrible.

The Good. The art is fitting and beautiful. The book is well written for flavor, and does a great job building an Angel from scratch. It is worth the wait, and every penny I paid.

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