wayland's page
12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.
So currently I see my order - which by now includes the first 3 issues of the Return of the Runelords AP - still in status "Pending".
What does this mean? Is there any indication when it will actually be shipped?
Thanks in advance!
Would love to see a reprint of this! Secondary market prices are tenfold... So any chance this will come in reprint?
Hi there,
I signed up for the Adventure Path subscription - Order 664241 - however it should start with Volume 1 of the Return of the Runelords AP.
I'm sure I selected it correctly, yet after removing one item from my shopping cart (due to high shipping cost of a Pawn Box to Europe), it somehow must have inadvertently switched to the previous issue (which I missed).
Could this still be changed?
I already send an email as well, but haven't received a response till now.
Kind regards and thanks in advance!
When it comes to speed of advancement I always feel it's the DM's concern. As such I was wondering why the approach was taken to have three tracks that complicate matters for the player?
Why not have one standard track for the players, but have the DM decide on the amount of XP awarded (e.g. Fast = 1.5*XP, Normal = 1.0*XP and Slow = 0.5*XP).
Using this approach the DM could even adjust the XP value between adventures (e.g. to fast-track through the levels the group is less interested in) without the players really having to notice as the "I need 5000 xp for lvl 3" still holds in all situations.
Just my two cents (which are getting more valuable for you guys at Paizo by the day as I'm from euro-country ;-) )
Voted! Seems we're already in third! Now why does that sound better than being in fourth? :S
The final cover is incredible! (just a little sad I couldn't order this along with my holiday discount order...)
Just a few questions come to mind. Firstly I can't seem to place the race of the evil spellcaster on the cover. Will we see a brand new, native Golarion race in this one? :-)
Secondly, will the adventure leave room foor follow-up on the civilization that built the flying cities, either home-made or through GameMastery products?
Boomer, didn't mean to make you fret about my comments, just presented my point of view. A lot of that is also a matter of playing style and expectations. For the most part the imagery you present is very vivid and speaks to me, but then personally I don't see much potential beyond a BBEG or once or twice encounter. Not really a villain.
Luckily (and rightfully probably!) others, like Laserray, do see that potential.
As it stands, I've only found two entries I really like better than yours, Voeren van Premie and Onuyaka, and I've read almosty all (expect for one or two). So a very good chance you'll end up with my vote (and no need to risk DQ for it).
I do hope you'll indulge a little discussion after voting (probably after later rounds to, as you'll still have deadlines to meet!)
Guess that it is always easier to criticize than to create (which kinda makes you wonder why people like Britney Spears are able to be successfull... Ok, I'm trailing off now...)
This one I really love, sure part of that is from my weakness for Ogre Mages! However, I do like that at least someone took a more iconic big bad monster (haven't seen any liches, dragons and such this round, not even with an original twist).
I also really love the kind of Anime style the imagery forms (heck, I'd probably twist him a little more and give him something to wield oversized weapons, the bigger that icy burst greatsword gets, the better!)
As for conflict, the PC's will easily run into him once he gets information on them and that information warrants his interest, which shouldn't be too hard. From then on, he can use them as pawns in his parlor. I like it!
Ok, every contest like this seems to get a certain hype going, whether it is for specific contestants (that subsequently receive more forgiveness from the general public) or whether it is certain entries. For me the reactions on this entry for the villain round fits in the latter category. Personally I don't really see it working for a couple of reasons:
First as a recurring villain (slaying a few "false" Avinash along the way) my players would be rather disappointed with finding out it's a horse (not really the climactic encounter they'd expect).
Second the real villain is always there, as the mount of the "false" villain. Why would he accept his decoy to be slain so easily by a couple of low level wannabe heroes?
Last but not least, it's just a bit over the top. As Erik said, the class levels are a bit much ("Yes, my dwarven barbarian player, the horse backstabs you with his front paw as you try to move away" will result in at least some discussion at my gaming table).
I'm pretty sure you'll advance and hope you'll blow me away with some very neat monsters!
At first I was pretty sure you had my vote, Boomer. The imagery of Abzirael is very nice, I can see him walking the world and bringing general mayhem!
But now I'm in doubt for two reasons. First of all, the psionics, I'm not against it, but it's still a niche and one I don't feel adds that much special here that couldn't have been achieved in a more conventional manner.
Second, I don't feel he has a high persistancy factor. The most likely way players encounter him is on a service for somebody else, which gives a high chance of a one time cameo for out ancient menace. He is not the string pulling kind of villain for a whole campaign (sure, he'll scheme and twist the errands he is sent on, but no bigger picture seems present). That said, given he is also CR 16 means there is very little room to build up to encountering him (since he has no real minions).
Sorry Boomer, but right my vote for you hangs in the balance...
Guess I'd better smurf it next time!
Sigh... time for my first post... was really excited about all this, but work got in the way of developing my best ideas. So in the end I submitted a simpler item, only to realize three seconds after publishing that I'd forgot something :(