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So how about something for distraction or misdirection involving either Stealth or Larceny; I hate to acculturate it, but something like how ninjutsu is supposed to work? I'm not coming up with anything more concrete yet, but there has got to be some angle we can work into this.

Skaorn wrote:

Another quick update for skill specialties:


Special skills still have Might, Endurance, Deduction, and Determination (rename of Purpose). Charisma will be replaced with Influence to represent a character's standing in their society, whether as a home town hero or as a noble. Dexterity I'm still lacking. One suggestion was a form of defense and there is also intitiative too.

It's good to get a look at it all together. I'm thinking this might be a good thing to bring to Wednesday night, too, at least to see how the boys react.

You've got me thinking, though.

I really like both drafts you have out, particularly the parkour - based one. I think this might be the direction that Kosta and I need to be looking for Eetreia's world. I fear that grafting it into an already very crunchy system like Pathfinder might overload the system, but, on the other hand, there's Spycraft and Fantasycraft that make Pathfinder look rules-light, or that thing Monte Cook did with tokens, so it's probably just me being lazy.

That said, I would kind of like to see a system built around this at its core - I'm pretty sure this is *exactly* what Kosta had in mind.