Stone Golem

wampuscat43's page

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"Any creature entering the room is struck by a bolt of lightning" The spike can generate one bolt per person...

Per round? Per "entrance in the room"? I anticipate the party rogue attempting to disable this trap, and the text says "remember the globe continues to anyone in the room". So, would everyone in the room get a personalized blast EVERY round?

A slideshow, showing the battle against (my version of) Madtooth and the last round with Auric/Khellek and the ulgurstasta. It moves too fast, but if you click one of the pictures, it stops and displays it full size.


(this is my third attempt at this. I do so love the way this board erases everything you've typed if you click the Help link). Let me know if it doesn't work.

Guys, your ad copy for this product tells me nothing about what's in it - just what the campaign's about. I already know that.

My group finally hit the lower level of the Sodden Hold this week. They cleared out the top level the week before, then paused to rest in the well room. This sparked a 39-reply email string where they argued, in character, over whether they should camp or “retreat to a warm, cozy inn with lots of liquor.” (One of the PCs enjoys his spirits, and broke his flask when he fell into the stagnant pool while fighting the stalker).

I had recruited the party rogue back in June to be replaced by the “dopp”, as they call them. He was really geeked up about it, and had his code word picked out so the guards wouldn’t attack him (“inconceivable”), and had been supplied with maps of the rooms that had traps in them. The code word was used four times and no one ever caught on to it. They also never commented on the fact that the rogue was never hit by the bad guys, and missed repeatedly when he attacked (they even got Spot checks to notice this, and a couple times they were told things like “oddly enough, his rapier bends against his opponent’s belt buckle” and BS like that.

The rogue and the head-strong fighter continued the camping debate with the other two once the game started. This included the fighter accusing the mage of being a dopp, and finally the fighter declared, "If I roll a one, we get to stay" which the others agreed with. He proceeded to do just that and you'd have thought he killed Kyuss.

I seriously thought about having a couple of the dopps come up the elevator while they were resting, but I was afraid it would start a riot and we’d never get on with the actual adventure, so that night went by uneventfully.

They entered the long hallway and got jumped by the six dopps. I had one of them retreat to the edge of the pit, where the fake rogue engaged him, crying “Flank him, flank him, somebody get behind him!” That didn’t work (the hallway was too narrow to avoid AoOs and the dopps went down quickly), so the rogue eventually started to pick the lock to room 14. I asked the players, “what are the rest of you doing?” and the fighter picked up his mini and sat it right on the trap door :).

I handed him a note that both described the trap and told him to roll 6d6, 4d20, and 4d4, all in one batch, without saying anything. Priceless looks from the other players, but all the attacks missed so he wasn’t hurt badly.

Eventually, they cleaned that all up and came to room 15, the one we’d been leading up to for two months. I had told the rogue player ahead of time that he would probably want to go after the party warmage since he was a halfling and the other two PCs were heavy-duty fighter types. He picked the lock on the door, then yanked it open, shouting “Go, go!”, and just like in the movies, in they went.

Pandemonium. The fighter charged right into the middle of the fake party, going after a stray dopp who was holding a knife to the real rogue’s throat. The favored soul also charged in, going after his body double. The fakes all escape and swarm the fighters, except the warmage fake who runs, screaming that his opposite was an impostor. This made the real warmage stop, right in the doorway, with his back to the rogue. I just looked at the other three and said, “Now.”

Halfling voice: “I stab the mage in the back!” Near-critical hit.
Dead silence. All-time, hall of fame slack-jawed yokel looks.
High-fives all around, and more pandemonium. Eventual easy victory, with Ixixian being captured. We closed the night with the warmage guarding his prisoner in one of the dopp apartments, the favored soul standing in the planning room, trying to see the warmage to the east and the rogue/fighter combo to the south, who have found the secret door and entered the maze together, separate from the rest.
(*Sigh* - when will they ever learn?).

As they turn the furthest-south corner and head for the door they’ve spotted, the favored soul notices a furtive figure entering the hallway, quietly sneaking after the fighter…

My group is just starting the HOHR. They've just entered Waterdeep and met Eligos. I've got one of the PCs recruited to be replaced by the 'ganger, the whole group is psyched up to enter the Champions Games, and I've even got them joining affiliations. Just one problem.

Somehow, between the time we stopped playing and the night before last, my copy of the magazine (as you can see, I'm a subscriber) vanished. There's only two places it could be, and I've torn the house up looking for it, with no luck, and we play tonight.

I've got a lot to work with - the Sodden Hold map, the treasure list, even the stats for Ixi (I gave them to the player that will be playing him). What I don't have is what critters are in what rooms. If I can just find out the first few encounters, I can stall my way through this week, giving me time to figure out what to do about replacing the lost issue. Can anybody help a brotha out?

All I really need is "how many of what" is in the first two or three rooms. I know there's mimics (and I'm going to skip them) and an octopin, although I believe we won't get that far. Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated. My email, if that helps, is at hotmail and the ID is khays3.

Thanks for any and all assistance. My group has got some great momentum going here, and I'm just sick that this could stall it.

I'm very close to beginning this adventure and am really struggling with some ideas. In my previous campaign with these players (using other characters), they:

Came to Daggerford (Diamond Lake)
Fought and killed Redeye and his clan of lizardmen
Fought and killed a black dragon that had wasted about half the town.

Needless to say, I'm trying not to be repetitious while keeping the flavor of the adventure. I'm thinking about going with troglodytes for the lizardmen, even though it's not their ecology, and making Ilthane a green dragon (ditto on the ecology). My players aren't too up on ecologies, anyway.

Redeye - I may just make him some undead version of his former self, some kind of underpowered lich. That would freak them out.

Anybody got any other ideas?

My group is about to knock off the Faceless One, triggering the Aspect. The sorcerer has used up nearly all his Scorching Ray spells on the kenku (mmmm...tastes like chicken) and will most assuredly be tapped out quickly. He's otherwise worthless in a fight.

Can anyone think of something he could find in the FO's loot that might be of help in the upcoming battle, without unbalancing the game? A wand of MM might do it (don't have the adventure here - is the Aspect immune to them?). Any other ideas?

My boys are about to meet the lurking strangler in the WC. Assuming it can Sleep one of them, do you think the strangle attack would wake the PC up?

Just trying to be fair. The rules make it sound like it would be quick, so they may not have a chance.

I can use the Search function to find archived threads of interest, but can't see the whole list of threads? C'mon guys, there's some good information out there and I don't want to have to start posting repeat threads. Am I just misunderstanding something?

Being intelligent and weak, my players ran like rabbits when the swarm started coming. They were halfway out of the crypt before the Slasher appeared. They're now cowering just outside the dungeon.

What would the beetle swarm do, seeing as how they move so slowly? Would they go back into the hole, or just mill about, eating wolf chow perhaps, for an extended period of time?

Would the slasher pursue all the way out of the cairn?

Thanks for sharing.

Just curious. Can't really tell from the writeup.

By the way, here's a link to it's picture on the Wizards' site. It's misnamed there, apparently. amp;origin=dnd_ag_20040903a

Anybody got a good idea for this? My players fought one very early on in a previous campaign, and it was, frankly, boring. They didn't have the magic to hit it and it couldn't do anything with the tank fighter. It got down to "who rolls the crit first" with the rest of the party cheerleading.