vinsane's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Txoro, are you using paizo boards to run the game? would be a better location?

Phew, I missed a lot. Ok so I'm kind of in the mindset of relating to other players. My favorite character is T'skrang SwordMaster, and if you want me to go that route, I wouldn't mind being related to Black Tom's Character.

I also like the idea of branching out to something else, a dwarf that challenges Rollo Redbeard's claim to the heir of the Scythan Nation. Probably a warrior. I don't know if that would work into Scranford's character concept.

Or he could not be related in either case. Just ideas for characters.

I don't have any of the 3e books, I have almost everything before that though.

I just wanted to put in my request to play. I'm interested in playing anything and can post once every day or two...